


9 months, 12 days ago


Nickames Redo, mum
Age 250-350
Pronouns they/them
Birthday August 22
Species drow
Voice Neil Roberts
Height 193cm (6'4")
Alignment true neutral
Playlist Personal Jesus
Truckers are the Blood
I See Failure
Hungry Dog in the str.
Personality Redo is a very practical person, coming from years of experience. They can be quite serious and no-nonsense, and as a result can come off as grumpy. They're very grounded, however they're also very jaded, bordering on apathetic and rarely showing much emotion. Despite this, they have little tolerance for conflict and will quickly jump into a leadership type role to settle disputes. While they struggle with strong feelings of intimacy, they are deeply loyal and will often be protective and nurturing of those they care about.
Backstory will go into more detail later when I feel like it but for now:
  • grew up in the Underdark in a family of seldarine drow
  • drafted into war but tried to avoid fighting by becoming a combat medic/cleric of Corellon Larethian
  • they were horrified by the constant conflict and death of the friends they had made during their time as a soldier
  • being a medic they felt responsible for the lives of their fellow soldiers and began to lose faith in the seldarine's protection when their healing magic was not enough to stop so much death
  • ultimately they couldn't handle it and fled service and fled the underdark to live on the surface
  • for abandoning their position they were also abandoned by their god
  • they eventually were able to settle into a more quiet life for themself living on the surface
  • they developed a faith in Talos as a way to accept the reality of death and war and cope with their trauma
  • cleric of Talos
  • their eyes are sensitive to sunlight, so they prefer to live nocturnally since they're more comfortable in low lighting
  • they're still adjusting to living on the surface so they're not used to day/night cycles and rain
  • they got the scar across their face from trying to pull another soldier out of a burning building
  • their parents were killed, but they still have a sister living in the Underdark
  • they identify as non-binary but will use feminine titles when no gender neutral options are available e.g. ma'am, mum, etc
  • they're fascinated by stars and lightning storms
  • they enjoy birdwatching
  • they have a low sweet tolerance

Design Notes
  • they were my first baldur's gate 3 character
  • the scar on their face is heaviest on their left cheek and goes up to their right eyebrow
  • they have a very muscular build
  • their earrings are optional but their tattoos are not
  • all the hair on their body is white, including eyelashes
  • their armour design is symmetrical aside from the black cloth around their left arm
  • the lightning on their belt is their holy symbol, a symbol of Talos
  • their weapon of choice is a morningstar
Fyre friend/partner(?)