ELAS World Info



8 years, 6 months ago




Air Elementals are inclined to light magic

Fire mages tend towards dark magic

Shadow mages tend towards death/blood magic

Earth mages tend towards life/plant magic

Water mages tend towards ritual/weather magic.


Air and Water are inclined towards Healing

Fire and Shadow are inclined towards Warding

Earth is inclined towards Defensive Magic

Runic Magic can be utilised by all.


The disposition of one's element and magic will affect how easily you cast that type (and other types) of magic. Your inclination will be the easiest, most abundant and most controlled branch of magic. Many Elementals choose to specialise in a field of Magic after they reach the age of maturity and have passed the tests, rituals and made a traditional blood oath.

The Elemental Public do not like Light being in relationships with Dark although it does happen.

The EHC (Elemental High Council or as it's better know, the 5 ELDERS) decide on matters of public concern.

Dark Magic usually manifests at 3 months whilst Light Magic manifests at 4 months. Anomalies may occur. The later the manifestation occurs, the stronger the magic is.

The strongest ever elemental was Aeron, Shadow Mage extraordinaire whose magic manifested itself at the age of 2, the oldest recorded manifestation. She brought the world to its knees and only the combined forces of the 4 other chosen ones and all the elders were able to defeat her.


25 years and below = child (equivalent to <10 years old in human years)

25 years - 50 years = teenagers/young adult (10-20 human years old/of AGE)

50 years - 200 years = adult (20-50 human years old)

200 years - 400 years = old person (50-80 human years old)

Most live to 400 years. Oldest known elemental was 700 years old (~140 years old)

Of age / maturity = 50 years old

Shadow Elemental Society

Despite the bad rep that Aeron brought the Shadow Elementals, the truth remains that Aeron was Shadow's Chosen One. In other words, Aeron was a Queen of the Shadow Elementals.

Unlike other elemental groups, the Shadow Elemental society used to be a matriarchal society with a queen chosen every 3 years.

The queen would have to prove her prowess in one-on-one battle against every challenger. If the Queen was injured but not killed, she would return to her family and continue where she left off (school, job, business etc.)

If a challenger lost, they had the choice of becoming a slave (Tamai). If they refused, they would be executed on the spot. Tamai don't get paid but are provided clothes, food and necessities by the state whilst owners can give them gifts such as jewellery and luxury goods. Most long serving Tamai are quite rich. The Tamai children are freeborn so any wealth accumulated by their parents goes to these children. Discrimination of these children is severely looked down upon.

The word discrimination appears to be non-existent in Shadow society. They are egalitarian.

The Shadow Elementals were very strict however on the treatment of slaves. They are treated equally and had the option of declining an order if it seemed unreasonable however; this reason would have to be presented before the Shadow Courts or testified to Lady Shadow herself. This usually involved a ritual in which the slave appeals to Lady Shadow and she tests the mind and soul (no magic can resist this) to see the truth. If an order was reasonable but was not followed (extreme/serious cases) then the slave would be sent to the Outer Rim and made to mine Sharlanium until death.

Sharlanium in its pure form is highly poisonous but when processed is utilised in the making of staffs, charms and enchanted jewellery for elementals.

Treason however is treated much more harshly (with execution).

The lower class is those born without elements. If you do not manifest your powers before the age of 5, the child is taken away to a commune. Here the child is taught a wide variety of skills until they become of age. Once they become of age, a mass ritual is conducted and a job is chosen for you based on aptitude and preference. They make up around 30% of the population

The middle class are those with low power. They do have elemental powers however they have not manifested well or only manifested part way. They make up around 30% of the population. They generally don't employ Tamai unless there is a need to due to physical problems (too young, too old, sick, disabled etc.)

The upper class are the most powerful magically however they must fight each other for their positions. They are occasionally challenged by lower classes however failure results in Tamai status. When the upper class fight and lose, they just pay a hefty fee or provide goods/services to the winner.

The Elder Major replaces the Queen in the transition periods and has the power to choose/form a council of advisors. Other than that, she is pretty much a queen. There is only one person who is in charge unlike other societies. Other older/powerful people may be chosen as Minor Elders 

Typically shadow elementals become:

Spirit Masters

Spirit Speakers


Ritual Specialists

Religious Undertakers

Warding Specialists

Healing Specialists

Death Mages

Spirit Mages

Shadow Warriors



Water Elementals

Water Elementals are one of the most prominent types of elementals. They currently hold a similar (or even larger) population to Shadow Elementals. Their society is gentle, patient, and structured (almost monastic) in nature. They are unyielding towards crime, hate, discrimination and betrayals.

Water Elementals tend to personal gardens and community gardens. The bigger a personal garden (and the more rare flowers in said garden), the more powerful the person is. The Elder is chosen by Lady Water.

'Every 300 years, a child will be born in the elements mine with a complete control of the powers I have given her. She will be born into her powers and not gifted with. She will be your leader.

Beware the hatred in a child's heart, for when it manifests itself, Water shall be no more.

Love thy children as they decide thy future'

This warning was given to the first Water Elemental to be Lady Water's Chosen. The Water Elemental Society does not have slaves however there is a system named Decae (dec-eye). A person may pledge his or her loyalty (heart, soul and/or mind) to another person. (Criminals pledge to the state) These pledges are signed in blood and acknowledge in ritual before Lady Water. If a person breaks their pledge for something unreasonable (a.k.a life/death, demand is unreasonable etc.) they will lose their powers (if non-elemental, they lose a sense. Usually sight/hearing). Reasons for pledges include: punishment, paying debt, personal will (love, tradition etc.)

Betrothals are often arranged however, they can be broken at any time by either of the children involved. A parent, which punishes its child in any way due to breaking a betrothal, shall be punished with death.

The society is separated into non-elemental/elemental only/ elemental-other

Each of these sub-categories is separated into its lower, middle and upper class based on the size of their gardens.

Water Elementals have 1 Elder (elemental), 1 Queen (non-magic) and 1 High Judge (elemental-other). They all have differing functions. The Elder ensures that the balance of magic is not upset and that all elementals follow the elemental rules. She also ensures that the magic is not abused by anyone and ensures that all children be treated with the utmost of love, care and dignity. The Queen ensures that no discrimination of any kind towards non-elementals occur. She also ensures that education and life-skills are taught and available to anybody that needs them. The High Judge ensures that the laws of the Water Elementals are just and keep up with the times. She also controls the militia and police forces. Elders are elected every 300 years, Queens are elected every 200 years and High Judges are elected every 100 years. If 80%+ of the population vote to depose any of them, they are deposed, tried and if necessary executed. Those deposed must swear a blood oath to the state to not cause rebellion or mass killings.

A child belongs to the state. All children born are sent away to the commune. Parents may visit and take their children away on holidays however all children stay at the commune until their powers manifest or they turn 5 (whichever comes first). If a child has a brother, sister, twin, cousin or other family member at the commune or at an academy, it must never be mentioned. They are to be treated as acquaintances or allies. The concept of 'friendship' is not taught nor is it inherent to their nature to form friendships. The reason for such harsh methods is to destroy prejudice at its roots.

Those born without elements have NO MAGICAL CORE. If you do not manifest your powers before the age of 5, the child returns home. The child is taught a wide variety of skills at an Academy until they reach the age of 25. At this point, they may choose to continue their studies, undertake an apprentice, travel or learn about the family business.

Those with pure elemental power, no matter how strong, have ONE MAGICAL CORE. The children will leave the commune once their power has manifested to go to one of the 3 Elemental Academies. The EP (elemental potential) is measured via a special ritual and children are sorted based on that. After the age of 25, they either return to their parents and learn practical skills and the family business or they can choose to further their studies by travelling and/or becoming an Apprentice. They may choose to attend a foreign Academy or an international Academy for Healing, Necromancy, Rituals, Warding or Teaching. Once they become of age, a mass ritual is conducted every year and a job is chosen for you based on aptitude and preference.

Those with elemental-other powers will spend the first 40 years of their life at special academies where they are taught healing, rituals, elemental magic, warding and basic control of their other powers. They will then spend a minimum of 25 years learning the specifics of their other power/s. Elemental Magic by nature delays the development of other magic skills and second magical core until the first core is mastered.

Expulsions is extremely rare and requires a ritual, which takes away all magical power, effectively turning the child into a non-elemental. To date, only one elemental has ever been expelled from a "WaterAcademy" (Wacadem is what they usually call academies which are located within the Water Elemental Realm).


Typically, water elementals become:

Weather Crafters

Weather Controllers

Ritual Specialists

Ritual Masters/Mistresses


Warding Specialists

Water Warriors




Business Owners/Investors

