Allan Wilmore



9 months, 5 hours ago


Age: 24

Height: 5'8"

Current Year: 1883

Allan Wilmore was born into a rich family in Edinburgh. He was the first child of Dr. Wilmore and his wife, and due to an unfortunate carriage accident, he would stay the couple's only one. Despite being raised in a high class environment, Allan much preferred painting and drawing to the stuffy medical science and law he was forced to study. He dropped out of college at 21, and after that, people in Edinburgh began to talk of the useless rich brat who would surely amount to nothing. He can't even get himself a bride, and his paintings of fantastical and unnatural beings are only seen as unsettling at best and blasphemous at worst.

A few months after he dropped out of school, Allan was sent off due to the negative attention. He wasn't disowned or anything, but his father doesn't want to see him until he does something that society deems as useful. Allan decided to take this opportunity and move to Killin. He felt an indescribable draw to the town, and he figures that a place with such a rich history with the macabre and superstitions will surely bring his art a more positive reception.

Alas, it clearly wasn’t meant to be. Most of the people in the village still think of Allan as a weirdo. He’s seen as just as any eccentric rich idiot from the city would be- more trouble than he’s worth. Despite this, Allan appreciates the quieter environment, and his creativity is blooming more than it ever could back home. His paintings and drawings grow more and more unnatural in their depictions, and some of the things that Allan paints surprise even him.

He logically knows that one day, the life he left in Edinburgh will come back to bite him in the ass. One day, he’s sure that his father will either end up dead or force him to come home and marry. Neither option sounds very appealing to Allan, but for now, he's just trying to keep living until that inevitable day comes.

The Art:

What is Allan doodling in his notebook and painting on those canvases, anyway? What could he be so obsessed over, that he would possibly risk losing a life of luxury (or sanity) to keep? Truthfully, Allan doesn’t know what draws him to the things he depicts. He isn’t even sure where he comes up with any of the ideas in the first place. They just sort of come to him, as if they are visions in a dream. Each hazy scene or creature that he brings to the page is an insight on something to come.

Unbeknownst to Allan, his art is indeed a vision. It isn’t a normal artistic vision, but a form of An Dà Shealladh (the second sight). His art offers him shaky glimpses into the future, even if those futures have nothing to do with Allan. Without a way to prove that his visions are connected to anything truly unnatural in the world, Allan simply passes it off as him having a creative mind. It doesn’t help that none of Allan’s art pieces have ever depicted a living human being.

Additional Visions:

Occasionally, Allan's visions don't make it to the page or canvas. In high-stress situations, he sometimes sees glimpses into what can only be described as "metaphorical truths". A river of blood washing over the town square during an execution, a seemingly kind person visually decaying into their true inner selfish form, Allan sees it all. Additionally, these visions can be accompanied by auditory cues. At the blood-soaked execution site, he might hear a voice utter "Wrong" as an innocent victim is killed or the rushing of the blood as it covers his view. He might hear a warning to "Run" as he discovers that someone he trusted is a danger. Unfortunately, Allan doesn't really think much of these visual and auditory visions. He usually just assumes that he's not getting enough sleep, and he moves on with his life. He will sketch/paint some of the things he sees in these situations, though.

Art Ideas:

-Draw him just being a dapper little Victorian man

-Sketching on a bridge by a small town's river or at a fancy party

-Painting in a little study

-Reading. He's a nerd. Loves fiction, namely things like The Count of Monte Cristo or Carmilla.

-Visual/auditory visions. Very gothic and macabre stuff (Especially the Bloody river with the voice saying "Wrong")

-Looking very blushy and awkward (he gets that way when he's being flirted with)

-Encountering gothic horrors

-Outfit changes are cool as long as they fit the time period (1880s)