


8 months, 25 days ago



"arent you lovely, Forrest?"
  • name mark, last name unknown
  • age 43
  • gender cis guy
  • pronouns he/him
  • sexuality bisexual, closeted, preference for men
  • personality

    mark is an introverted individual who tends to keep to himself. although he genuinely likes talking to people, he deals with bad anxiety, which makes it harder for him to engage. occasionally, he may unintentionally come across as blunt or rude, primarily due to his difficulty in modulating the tone of his voice. when he becomes overly excited, he tends to raise his voice by accident.

    in moments of frustration, mark can be a bit passive-aggressive and refuse to talk to people or yell, although he goes back to normal quickly. he tries his best to be pleasant and approachable, even though he heavily struggles.

  • appearance

    mark has fluffy short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes with fair skin. he usually wears a white collared shirt, a white bandage on his cheek, black and orange headphones, a dark blue jacket with a pattern consisting of a bunch of shapes in dark and light purple, a black and yellow belt, brown pants with white patches, and black shoes.

  • likes napping, music, table games, soft things, cute animals, neon purple, being alone.
  • dislikes forrest (sometimes), horror, bees, most meats, pastel colors, crowded environments.
  • backstory

    mark was born and raised in gallows creek. his parents split up when he was a young kid, and he lived with his mother throughout his whole childhood. he was introverted and never had many friends, and after he got out of school he went straight into working. he worked at ponty's pizza for a long time before getting a job at kfam and moving into his own crappy apartment. hes worked at the radio station since, the events of the game take place two months after.

  • forrest nash coworkers, frenemies, dating in an au

    mark does his best to get along with forrest, but thanks to forrest whole "grumpy lone wolf thing" it usually doesnt work, and they dont get along the best. though if you locked them in a room together for some time theyd probably end up laughing together..

  • peggy weaver coworkers, friends

    peggy is nice and fun to everyone, so its a struggle not to get along with her. her and mark are cool most of the time and they get along fine enough

  • "the whistling man" killer and victim

    having been born on gallows creek, mark knows the whistling man all too well. though he doesnt know whos behind it this time. likes to think its a ghost like peggy. in the bad ending, he gets murdered by the killer.

  • trivia
    • killer frequency oc
    • him and forrest arent together in canon, i just like shipping them
    • represented by headphones emoji 🎧
    • hes very touchy. love language is physical touch
    • started as a self insert but now hes 99% an oc
    • actively hides his last name from people. i wonder why?