


1 year, 9 days ago


Jonah Magnus Archibald

Jonah Magnus Archibald

Orca - UTRB

Gender. Male

Age. 36

Birthday. October 25

Species. Orca Demihuman

Occupation. Captain of Seeking Gold

Orientation. Bisexual

Status. Alive


They say he never really returned from the sea

Jonah Magnus Archibald grew up in a town plagued by poverty and greed. Living from day to day, exploited as a child worker, Jonah longed for a life on the sea. No fat bellied rich folk to push him or his family around. Saving up what little pay he earned, when Jonah was 23 he left his town behind. Gathering what little crew and supplies he could he set out for the sea.

Jonah is a hard worker and a loyal Captain. His ship is affectionatly named Seeking Gold, a mantra himself and his crew adopted in order to bring forth riches.

While out at sea, on a revenge quest to find his lover, Jonah met with a pod of whale unlike any other. Being borded by a sudden full crew of pirates, they were more curious about the small vessle then hostile. A deal was struck after they learned of Jonah's plight, offering the skin of their own so Jonah and crew may transform into the deadly orca. In exchange for Jonah's loyalty and secrecy of the pod, the crew willingly transfigured themselves into demi-humans.


The Beginning

The day Jonah met Dorian, his life was forever changed. Sheltering from a storm in a squat port town, Dorian was a performer on the streets making coin. Charming the likes of Jonah and many others, the two found themselves bedpartners waiting out the storm together. A gentle heart and a kind spoken word, Jonah quickly found himself smitten. The two made a promise to write to eachother when they could as Dorian was contracted to a wealthy troubadour and had to follow where they went.

Heartbroken Revenge

Years pass with few visits to his lover, Jonah offers to pay Dorian to stay with him, voyage on the sea together so they no longer would be bound to written confession. Dorian tells that it is not so easy as he is indebted to this troubadour. In secrecy, Jonah confronts the man keeping his beloved to land and finds a similar greed from the man that he knew as a child. Dorian was an important puppet to the man and refused to let him go unless he pays his weight in gold.

After nights of deliberation, Jonah returns once more to the town with the requested randsome to find his lover no where to be seen. Not only his lover but everyone in the traubadour's circle disappeared with little trace. Not even a letter to inform Jonah the whereabouts of his Dorian, Jonah and his crew embark on a revenge quest to seek out his love.

Forever Changed

Years into searching for his lost lover, Jonah and his crew have transformed themselves into a skilled pod of orca, sworn to secrecy. Searching the seas for any clues as to where his lost love may reside, only the fires of loyalty keep Jonah going forward. Their crew grows to a powerful fleet and Jonah eventually aquires enough riches to help reform his childhood town, pushing back the hands of greed that made his kin suffer. Now a base of operations, Jonah still seeks out Dorian as the storm in his heart rages on.


Apple Pie
Hot Baths
Loyal Crew


Fishing Line
Wet Socks


Dorian Alek Gunder [ Lover ]

Dorian and Jonah met in a small town while waiting out a storm. Quickly becoming smitten with eachother, the two wrote to eachother frequently as Jonah was on the sea. Indebted to a greed-ridden troubadour, Dorian eventually gets kidnapped and hidden away. Current status unknown.

Samwise Harkne [ Crewmate ]

Childhood best friends to Jonah. They are soft spoken and introverted compared to the extroverted and confident Jonah. Loves to read and is the brains of any crew.

Stone [ Crewmate ]

Silent but strong. Stone was found by Jonah and crew not long into their first voyage as a stowaway from a town. Unable to plead for their live, they instead proved their worth by working on the ship. Secretly is a softie and a good cook.