Reese Hallowdrun (Psonia)



8 months, 22 days ago


"You have a family back home to go back to- and I'm happy for you for that- but thats why you go back. That's why I stay here."

pronouns He/They 
S.O. None 
Age 26 
DOB September 21 
Sign Virgo 
Species Earth Genasi 
class Artificer 
Alignment Neutral Good 
fun. - be calm      


A tinkerer and jewelry merchant running a failing business in Unicoh City. He is a 5 '6 Earth Genasi, 26 years old with a rather battered-looking build and smudged round glasses. He wears fine clothes that look a bit worn with use and constantly looks at least one shade of anxious. He has a wooden prosthetic right arm and leg along with several cracks along his right side. 

His store, Unique Uniques, is only still standing due to the help of his capuchin monkey assistant Sunny


Lone wolf



 ISTP (The Crafter) 

Reese is a quiet, anxious person who seems permanently stuck in the past. He is not cautious, however, and tends to jump into situations if he feels the outcome is worth it. Although normally calm he has an anger streak that can occasionally get the better of him, resulting in him bottling up emotions until they explode all at once. He’s not great with trust and holds grudges easily, however once he trusts someone it takes a lot to break that, shown in how he still cares about his family deeply despite everything. He likes tinkering as it makes him feel useful, and gives himself something to do with his hands. 

Once he opens up to people he has a much lighter disposition, showing a side of himself he usually keeps hidden away. Although more gentle than bright and cheery, he has a soft spot for people he cares about and will go out of his way to be in their company.

 Talents:  tinkering, making jewlery, machenery   flaws:  selfishness, anger streaks, awkwardness 
  • Books on the World
  • Gunmanship
  • Making Things
  • Birds

  • Fish
  • Social Interactions
  • Confrontation
  • Death

  • Loved ones dying
  • The Ocean
  • Blood
  • Divine Intervention

  • Glassblowing
  • Jewelrey making
  • Mechanics
  • Painting










  • Fish (allergic)
  • Finances
  • Big crowds
  • The ocean (he sinks)

His trusty revolver. The original gun was given to him by Torrid, and he later modified it to be more his style. At some point it was a revolver, but now nobody really knows what it is. One of his most prized possessions.

 Eldritch Flamethrower 

A flamethrower canon he can summon at will. It’s literally just a flamethrower that he can move and attach to people. Has perfected the design after years, still incredibly dangerous to use with wooden limbs.

Arcane Propulsion Arm

He can throw his mechanical arm at people as an attack- he's not very good at it, though.



Reese is the owner of Unique Uniques, a failing tinkering and jewelry shop which he took on a few years after Torrid’s disappearance. Despite his skills in art and mechanics he’s not very good at the business part of it all, and it’s left him almost completely reliant on his assistant Sunny to get by. His only other contact in the world is Val, his childhood friend who he writes letters to almost weekly, Rervet, his younger brother who has stated he hates him, and his godfather Rig. His declining mental health has upped his nerves, leaving him in a constant state of anxiety and general worry which doesn’t help the shop at all. 

His father, Torrid, disappeared when he was 17, and since then his life has been plunged into a downward spiral. He’s unsure what to do almost 10 years later, with far too many loose threads he’s made for himself and very few options on where to go. After he meets the party, he decides he’s going to track down and find his father, both for himself and the others with connections to him.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


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  • Because his skin is made of stone-like material, all scars and wounds resemble cracks.
  • His turquoise bits are harder than the rest of his skin, and are raised slightly. They shimmer like actual gemstone.
  • He’s left-handed, which means the loss of his right hand didn’t hinder his skills to the point he couldn’t make things. He’s learned to work around it, often adapting specialized mechanical attachments to help his work.
  • He’s always distinctly aware of the current news, due to his frequent newspaper readings. He needs to make sure he knows what’s happening in case something happens to Val.
  • His dad taught him to shoot a gun when he was fourteen. Since then he’s grown into a notable marksman, usually keeping his trusty revolver Piper at his side.


Reese’s childhood friend, who went off to become a pirate the year his father left. He cares about her more than anything else, and has sent her letters for nearly 10 years straight. His neighbors have grown used to seeing him rush out every morning to check the newspaper to see if she’s ok, as he’s constantly worried she’ll get into a fight she can’t take. He’s failed to tell her about his father’s disappearance as to make sure she doesn’t come back to help him.

Despite knowing her for almost all his life, he still hasn’t processed the extent of his feelings towards her. Whether or not he will shall remain a mystery until he actually learns how to deal with his emotions.

Torrid’s old friend and Reese's godfather. Was deeply in love with Torrid for roughly 30 years, and is now helping Reese track him down. Reese sees him as a father figure and a close friend, and respects his work greatly.

Has known about him for almost half his life, but only recently met up with him since Torrid went missing. He grew up with Rig’s books about monsters and gun manuals.

Reese's father, famous glassmaker and inventer of the gun. Incredibly close to Reese growing up, he taught Reese almost everything he knows. Encouraged his son to explore the world and live a more exciting life than he did, a message which Reese carries with him constantly.

Is currently missing, having dissapeared when Reese was 17. Nobody knows where he is.