Jamie Demetriou



6 years, 2 days ago


  • Bi-sexy
  • Cis-Female
  • Oldest Sister (though the second oldest sibling)
  • big tiddie goth babe
  • a true queen

Adopted at a young age along with the siblings oldest, Jase(Lilbih), she was quickly place in a new world; that is, till the war happened and she and Jase were separated from their mother only to reunite three years later. With her young age she had trouble controlling her abilities making her very cautious of touch and getting close to others that wasnt Jase or her parents. 

Shes far from soft spoken and shes quite happy with how she is. Thanks to her bonding with her great grandmother at a young age she has taken up gardening and crystallization. Due to her ability to manipulate and produce poisons shes drawn to more  venomous animals and poisonous plants which she makes sure to take care of and educate her family on. She treats her animals like her babies so when they pass she needs a moment for her self. She grows up to become a taxidermist only collecting and receiving animals that have passed in cruelty free ways (finding them in the open and such) she has also taken up to crystallizing their bones, a hobby shes had since she was young. 

Jamie is very much loved in her family as sister her siblings can go to and someone whose in love with children shes always ha  soft heart. Her kindness and odd demeanor arent something you should take advantage of Shes a fierce woman who has no problem with expressing how she truly feels about someone. Not only cant she drag you with her words she can take you down with no problem thanks to regular training and sparring with her siblings.

A beauty both in dragon in human form she has long wavy black hair with bangs that cover her piercing honey colored eyes. Far away it looks like she has freckles sprinkled across her face when in reality it is her luminescent scales she doesnt bother to hide. Full lips and a plump body to go with Jamie is a walking fashion statement wearing whatever she feels comfortable that day. Shes a loyal person and you wont regret forming any type of relationship with her.