"Zeke" Lucas Ezekiel Smith



5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




amab Male


Heterosexual (at least he assumes so; he might question this in the future)



Physical Description

Zeke is tall boy with a long face and long limbs. He has mean eyes and blond hair held back with a hairband, and is decently muscled.

Clothing Preferences

He wears the usual jock/prep faire: T-shirts, lettermans jackets, cargo shorts...yanno.


FakeTown(tm), modern setting



Hockey jock who's built like a rouge and ready to sneak and hate people

Where does he live?:  

  •  Family home: upperclass majority-white neighborhood. Nice house (probably 4 bedroom 2bath, 2 levels+attic, backyard with a fire pit , that good privlege stuff).
  •  Sister’s home: small but decent apartment (1 bedroom 1bath). He sleeps on a futon in the living room. Has been staying here as much as he can for the past 2 years, only goes to his parents’ home when necessary. 


  • Dad: He’s a mean mean dude, and a violent alcoholic. Zeke hates him. Dad only cares about his son when he’s mad about something, and otherwise let’s him do what he wants. 
  • Mom: Weak willed, stern, and not willing to put herself through trouble. Has been primarily been ignoring her husband’s behavior instead of trying to stop it, which the kids judge her harshly about. Still, she is generally supportive. Helped sister move out, gives both of them money+rides when needed, attends all of her son’s hockey games & daughter’s dance recitals. Zeke thinks she is trustworthy but not admirable, and though he's grateful to her their relationship remains lukewarm. Mom tries to do what she can in her own quiet way, does love her kids. She’s glad he’s taking care of himself. 
  • Older sister: really close, but not the type of siblings to really have deep conversations. Sister is letting him stay at her place so he, like her, can avoid home. He also helps out at the dance studio she works at sometimes. 
  • Friends: he hangs out with a bunch of fellow jocks/preps (mainly his teammates, sometimes classmates), but at times gets bitter over how carefree their lives seem. Relationships good but shallow. Doesn’t hang out with them outside of school, practice, and the occasional post-game party.  
  • Romantic partners: he has a crush on a girl at school, Evie, but it doesn’t mean much. More a distraction than actual genuine feeling.

General outlook: 
Life is unfair and has screwed him over so he has the right to take advantage of whatever he can to make things easier. ‘I’ll take what I can get’ is interpreted quite literally. He also cares a decent amount about blending in & staying under the radar. Vice: Greed (since everyone else has had better lives than him, he deserves to take their things). Virtue: Just (he can't stand people with power who mistreat the weak).

Community involvement:
He’s on the hockey team. Used to take dance lessons growing up and now sometimes helps out at the dance studio where his sister works. He also used to help out at church every Sunday when his mom took him, but since his sister got her own place he’s stopped going to church with her. (Better ways to get out of the house) 

School: He’s getting B averages in academic courses, maybe an A in gym/health/science. 

Goals: uhhh he doesn’t really have any. Wants to become independent as soon as possible & get his own place so he can cut his remaining ties to his family. Thinking he’ll probably get a job with the dance studio after high school, or maybe at the community hockey rink. 

Supernatural Experience?: 
He's the only one on the team without any prior supernatural knowledge or experience.


  • He and a rag-tag group of people (the players) were recruited for some supernatural investigating. During their search they run into Lorenza, a powerful and dangerous woman with powers Zeke doesn't entirely understand. She tries to escape and they give chase; Zeke tackles her, and is injured in the process when she uses her magic on him. When Zeke hands her off to the rest of the team, Lorenza takes cyanide pills and dies to avoid capture. Zeke was sure not to watch her as she died but recorded her dying words on his phone, his camera pointed at his feet.
  • The team investigated the keys they found on Lorenza'a body, which led to a storage locker (lots of shady stuff) and Lorenza'a house. The team ends up accidentally opening a portal to hell(??), adventure ensues. Zeke, pissed at what Lorenza has indirectly put him through, later sneaks back to Lorenza's house and steals her car (she doesn't really need it anymore, since she's dead. He deserves this.).
    • While taking the car for a joyride, he turns on the radio to see what the hell this lady listened to. He's completely unprepared for Lorenza's voice coming through the radio, warning of her return. From this point on, Zeke is terrified of her vengeance.
  • The team later learns Lorenza had planted magical bombs throughout the city, the locations of which were on some maps they found in her storage locker. They split up to collect them all, and Zeke ends up being the one to find Lorenza, alive again and angry. He manages to barely avoid detection but is terrified the whole time, especially knowing he had driven her car to the location. What if she recognizes it and is angry with him for taking it (and tackling her, and leading her to kill herself)? He nearly abandons the team in his need to drive the car as far from her as possible.
  •  Zeke and the gang go to a spooky resort for more magical investigation, get stuck in another hell dimension. Zeke breaks down in front of one of his teammates. "I'm supposed to be living a normal life...I don't deserve to be going through this shit!" He ends up getting so upset about all the supernatural terrors he's been put through that he just punched out the big bad of the arc. Beat the tar out of that guy.
  • More adventures ensure, eventually leading to the gang getting the attention of vampires. Although the vampires put the team under mind control, Zeke especially being manipulated, he ends up being extremely upbeat about them and vocally advertising his support, surprising the team (since when is Zeke gung-ho about supernatural investigating?). He ends up highly trusted by the head of the vampires.
    • In Lorenza's dying words, she mentioned hating vampires. If Lorenza is against vampires, that means Zeke likes them.
  • Not everyone is on board with teaming up with the vampires, with Zeke interprets as not being fully anti-Lorenza. For this and other reasons, Zeke starts becoming highly paranoid about his team members.
  • Through investigating with the vampires the team finds Lorenza's new hideout, some kind of anti-vampire cult(?). The team splits up to search more of the places on her maps for new activity. Zeke's group ends up once again stumbling upon Lorenza, and in a panic he decides to run Lorenza over with her own car. He ends up crashing into the masoleum she was hiding in and is severly injured, unable to move.
  • That night Zeke has a dream about Lorenza'a geist, which begs him to carry out his final wishes. While the dreams implies that Lorenza died for good after his maneuver, Zeke iis still haunted by thoughts of her. After all, she's been dead before, it never stopped her from coming back. He also is contending with the idea that he killed someone, and then escaped before the cops came. He's just an unmagical, normal teen. He's hecked up.


  • He hates it when people call him "Luke" or "Lucas". (And also, maybe especially, Ezekial)
  • His first name is "Lucas-Ezekial" (a joint of the two favourite names his parents had)