


7 months, 22 days ago



The Synthetic Muse

name Angelo [ÆN-G:3-L0]

gender Male

age Unknown

race Dainty - Android

role Muse

designer GUIAKO

html Pinky

People Watching

Night Life

The Quiet Hum of Electricity

Pure Silence

Being Dirty

Humidity & Warm Temperatures

Adventurous Observant Subservient

Found discarded and torn apart, Angelo has found a blessing in the form of a second chance at ‘life’ with a tormented artist. Though he has no active memory of life before Rio found him, his body and core memory remembers, and surfaces in quiet moments to mar his flesh and tear at his mind before ebbing away again into the sea of synthetic unconsciousness. And yet, despite his torments, he lives to serve and to inspire the man who saved his life - whatever it may be worth.

Friendly Reserved
Sincere Deceptive
Bold Timid
Calm Irritable
Clever Foolish
  • Despite looking (mostly) humanoid and organic, Angelo is comprised 100% of man-made, synthetic materials. He is, for all intents and purposes, a humanoid super-computer.
  • No one is quite certain for what purpose he was originally created, nor how long ago; only that he is incredibly eager to please - at least for those who have gained his trust.
  • His saliva contains a mild aphrodisiac (from old Dainty lore) and tastes vaguely like honeyed pears.
“If nothing else, I am grateful for the opportunity to learn.”