Aslan { The First Unicorn }



9 months, 1 day ago



71025175_jo7R07GsK5hpAde.png HP 100%
Attack 80%
Defense 85%
Speed 90%
Dexterity 85%
Intellect 95%
Charisma 75%
Luck 50%


Name Aslan
Calling The First Unicorn
Age Immortal
Gender Male
Origin Magic, Blood, & Seafoam
Race Immortal Unicorn
Occupation N/A
Sexuality Straight
Height 17.3hh, 5'11
Build Lean & Tall
Demeanor Collected, Intelligent, & Powerful
Value $$$
HTML Pinky

"Eternity is a rather long time, and yet, I will be here to witness it until it's eventually end."

  • Lurue & their children
  • The quiet
  • Learning & teaching
  • The ocean
  • Ignorence
  • Too much noise
  • Being crowded by strangers
  • Truly evil souls


Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Dishonest Sincere
Serious Trivial
Cautious Risky


Very intelligent

Skilled in magic


Fast runner


Very guarded


Clearly immortal

Comes off as cold

Skills & Abilities

Very intelligent
From the very moment that he was created, Aslan seemed to be wise beyond his years. This intelligence only continued throughout his life, both due to the natural intelligence that he seems to have and due to the intelligence that he built up throughout his time exisiting. He knows almost everything, even ancient knowledge that most haven't heard of.

Skilled in magic
Born from blood, seafoam, and magic- Aslan has always been extremely skilled in magic of any and all kinds. It is as natural to him as breathing, though he does often practise each kind in order to stay 'fresh' in them all. But he doesn't truly need to do that, and mostly does it for enjoyment.

Due to his natural personality, Aslan is always the one that others can turn to when looking for someone to remain level-headed and clear-minded. He is almost always steady in his actions, thoughts, and convictions. It is only in...certain situatuons where he acts irrationally. Mostly when Lurue and his children are in trouble. In those cases, his violence is swift and steady. His conviction is one of the few things that never wavers.

Fast runner
Due to his tall and lean frame, as well as his long legs, Aslan is a very fast runner and walker. He gets anywhere he wants to go very quickly and others often have to put in effort to keep up with him- aside from Lurue and his children, who he slows down for.




Aslan wasn't born like one usually would be. No, he was born from a combination of magic, blood, and seafoam. More specifically, he was born from drops of Lurue's blood- which had fallen into the seafoam of the ocean when she was captured by hunters who intended to poach her for her horn. He materialized and came to life in an instant, full grown and holding extense knowledge of the world around him- as if his soul had existed and grown long before he was given physical form. But in that moment, only few things truely mattered. His name was Aslan, he was the first Unicorn, his held powerful magic, and he needed her.

After saving her, the two simply stared into one another's eyes for a moment. It was as if their very souls were reaching out and recognizing one another, finding their perfect match in that moment. They knew each other's names, yet still took the time to introduce themselves to each other. From there, their bond only grew, turning into a deep and unwavering love. Together, as the Goddess/Creator and the First, they created Unicorns, taking them in as their own children.

OC History

Aslan actually orginally belonged to my close friend, exiledwitch. His character was created alongside his partner, Lurue. I made his first design for her, though they have since given his design a bit of a much needed upgrade! I've always loved his character and story, so when my friend asked me if i'd like him, I was more than happy to accept her offer. As a note, his character and storyline are under copywrite.


Coming soon...




[ Love Interest ]

From the moment that Aslan met Lurue, he knew deep within his soul that she was his other half. The love the blossomed between them only grew and grew more as time went one. He love every single part of her, just as she loves every part of him. And he will spend his entire existence alongside her...and pray to the universe that she will be allowed to spend enternity alongside him as well.