


9 months, 9 days ago


Name: Rhom

Nickname: the fish 

Pronouns: They/he/it (genderfluid)

Species: Triton (black piranha)

Class: Fighter (eldritch knight)

Level: 12

God: Phenax (God of trickery and the Returned), used to be a champion of Mogis (God of Slaughter)

An absolutely foul fish (slowly recovering)

Rhom’s hometown was fairly peaceful, mostly dealing with kelp/shellfish farming and weaving. So their childhood was pretty good, he helped out with weaving and fabric making a lot and really loved it, and would have been content to live the rest of his life there. Gobii (Rhom’s cousin, but acted more like their brother) was also from the village, but travelled all over Theros on their own adventures. Whenever they came back they would share their tales with Rhom and the other members of the village. Rhom especially was fascinated by the stories and hoped to one day be able to visit the same places Gobii spoke of.

When Rhom was in his late teens (probably around 17/18) the village was attacked by followers/champions of Ephara (a goddess of order who doesn’t like Tritons very much). Rhom managed to hide in a closet so he wouldn’t be seen, thus surviving the attack. When everything had quietened down, he went back out and saw the destruction and bloodshed that had occurred, and became consumed by rage the likes of which he had never experienced. Rhom then took one of the chipped swords left behind and left the village behind, swearing vengeance upon Ephara for what her followers did.
This was when they decided to pray to Mogis (the god of slaughter and war) and asked for his help in their quest for revenge. Rhom then tracked down where the Ephara followers were camped out and with Mogis’ blessing aiding them, went on a rampage and killed the lot of them. This cemented Mogis’s interest in them, and he made them his champion.

After completing their goal, Rhom tried to return to his peaceful lifestyle but Mogis refused and instead demanded more from them. Now with the threads of doubt and regret starting to creep in, Rhom followed along with Mogis’ requests to prevent him from turning his wrath against them. While they did end up travelling to several of the places they had dreamed of as a child, the experience was tainted. Instead of visiting Mt Velus to see the legendary rivers of fire Gobii had described, they went to the canyons below it, joining other Mogis worshippers as their god forced them to take part in the foul rituals taking place. 

After about two years of barely pulling through, Mogis led them towards the city of Meletis, where they met the rest of the party. At this point Rhom was still trying to avert Mogis’ anger by putting up a front, but not succeeding entirely due to their regrets and unwillingness subconsciously holding them back.

During the events of the campaign and several harsh realisations on Rhom’s part, they ended up defecting from Mogis and joining Phenax (the god of the Returned and trickery) instead, which greatly improved their situation and protected them from Mogis. While they definitely prefer Phenax’s irritating company over Mogis, they don’t trust him in the slightest and are planning on leaving all godly influence after their quest is over. Perhaps, they will find Gobii again.