


7 months, 23 days ago


pine-trees_G8SYQKUC38.jpg Picture by Free stocksnap

Basic Information                                  

OrientationToo youngAge5 moons
PrefixPine- His markings reminded his mother of pine tree bark, and he was noted as being similar in appearance to her as wellSuffixKit- traditional kitten suffix
OrientationToo young
Age4 moons
PrefixPine- He looks like his mother and his markings reminded her of the pine tree bark
SuffixKit- traditional kitten suffix



+ Benevolent - Charismatic - Ebullient - Incisive 

Pinekit has an aura that attracts others to him, even as a kit. He is kind to...most. Through his father, Goldenheart's teachings he is extremely skeptical of outsiders. He is a sharp cat, noticing the little details in others, learning how to read others emotions so that he can decipher whether or not they will harm his siblings or himself. He never wants to be caught off guard again. Despite the trauma he endured at a young age, he's maintained his ebullient persona and continues to try and befriend all the kits in the nursery.

= Ambitious - Confidential - Skeptical - Enigmatic 

Despite the inviting yet analytical positive aspects of his personality; Pinekit is incredibly difficult to read, and has started to put up a false façade to hide behind. He isn't one for gossip, hearing it throughout his life about his family has made him bitterly resentful of idle chatter. Pinekit is inherently distrustful of everyone but his littermates. Watching his father die in front of him by cats of his own clan has nurtured the weariness he was taught to full-blown cynicism. His greatest ambition is to be an excellent warrior, so that if anyone ever dares threaten Honeycombkit or Wheatkit, he can put an end to them.

- Cynical - Deceitful -Envious - Show-off

He can be extreme in showing his peers he is having a good time, being a show-off. Pine will notice throughout his life others tend to tell the truth when they're angry, so if he frustrates them a smidgen they're more likely to tell him the cold, harsh truth. Exactly what he wants to hear. He can be deceitful when it benefits his littermates. He isn't egocentrically, and only does what he thinks will protect his family. Pinekit is envious of the cats that have both their parents, what he would give to have his beloved father back. Or to really get to know his mother, who he only heard loving stories of from his father but only saw once before she was wrongly executed.

Preferences and description


  • Playing with his littermates
  • Cats loyal to the rebel cause
  • StarClan


  • Fernstar
  • Those of outsider heritage
  • Briarfrost

He is the smallest in the litter, but not abnormally so. Pinekit's body is lithe and covered in fuzzy kitten fur. He looks the most like his late mother, Applemeadow, with varying shades of brown covering his body. He has dark tabby markings on the upperhalf of his body intermingled with the soft hues of creamy brown. The tabby markings entirely cover his tail. Pine has large golden eyes with shadowing of dark brown underneath them, emphasizing the kitten-innocence he had.


His birth was during what would be later proclaimed a dark age for the clans, in the midst of rebellion. Born to Goldenheart and Applemeadow of ThunderClan, he and his littermates began their lives in the ShadowClan camp. Only Startlingstar and the ShadowClan medicine cat, Squirrelsmirk knew of their impending arrival. His father and mother both believed ThunderClan was being lead into ruin by Fernstar and that Goldenheart would make a much better leader. Unbeknownst to Pinekit, Nightjarpaw in ThunderClan passed their warrior assessment and became Nightjarsong. 

The kits were welcomed warmly into the clan by the rebels, and were told stories of horrid outsiders that were wrecking havoc in the clans. Only the leaders were too cowardly to put a stop to it! Pinekit feared the outsiders and fervently agreed Goldenheart would make a much better leader than that coward Fernstar. Pinekit hears whispers that an elder, Blackstag, was slain at the paws of a calloused outsider while Ridgeback had her throat nearly ripped out. He cowered into his fathers fur, terrified by the idea of the outsiders finding him and his littermates in camp. He begun to beg his father to teach him battle-moves, which Goldenheart gently refuted. Although he never got to meet his mother, his father made up for it by doting on them all. Although he did show a preference to Honeycombkit whom resembled his late sister, Pinekit never felt jealous. He wanted to be just like Goldenheart and begun doting on Honeycombkit too.

Oakstar, the rebel leader in WindClan, is killed by his daughter Martensmirk. Pinekit couldn't imagine ever hurting his parents is unnerved by the brutality of it. The combined effort of RiverClan and WindClan loyalist successfully take back WindClan, and Pinekit isn't sure what to make of it. The rebels create a plan to have ThunderClan poisoned but it doesn't work due to Pipitscreech warning them in advance. A traitor to his fathers cause, Pipitscreech, is rightfully slain for betraying them. Pinekit wanted to see the body but Goldenheart refused. 

As it would be, his happy life turned upside down as the loyalist came to ShadowClan to fight the rebels. Goldenheart managed to kill Fernstar, becoming Goldenstar finally, but another cat carrying the same scent as Fernstar attacked his father. Again and again the savage cat beat Goldenstar into the earth. Blood sprayed everywhere, covering the same grounds Pinekit and his littermates had played on. Nausea consumed the tiny kit as he shrank into his littermates sides, too horrified to look away even as Goldenstar plead for them to look away. Pinekit watched the light ebb from his fathers eyes, the same gaze that held so much love for Pinekit and his siblings. Murdered by the very cats he had warned them about since the day they were born. Pinekit had only known happiness and love until that point, he could feel the dark feelings beginning to brew inside of him...

The rebellion of Startlingmoon, Tundrafang, Sootbear, Oakridge, Goldenheart and so many others across all four clans was finally over, and the control they held over the clans—especially ShadowClan and WindClan—was now broken at last, the clans’ “rightful” leaders restored once more. The threat of the kittypets Dixie, Roman and the rest of the gang still looms. He hears whispers that the ShadowClan medicine cat, Squirrelsmirk chose a warrior named Scarletmoon to become her apprentice. Pinekit is too buried in his own grief to feel anything for the rumors. He and his siblings were taken back to a new place the murderers called camp. He knew his loyalty would be to ThunderClan, just as his parents were, but he would never be loyal to such savage murderers. Honeycombkit, Wheatkit and Pinekit were given to Hazetears, a ThunderClan caregiver, to raise them. Pinekit hated her for trying to take his father’s place, but not nearly as much as he hated Briarfrost and Fernstar. He later hears the outsider, Hyzenthlay, had been honoured by ShadowClan, the very beast that killed their own clanmate! Foxhearts, all of them...

The clan cats fall back into the familiar routine that was upheld prior to the rebellion, but it is all new and strange to Pinekit. He misses his father and his home in ShadowClan greatly.

Petalpaw, formally the kittypet Rosie, one who tried to warn the clans of the dog attack many moons ago and was attacked by her fellow kittypets for it, passed her warrior assessment and is given the name Petalheart, and is welcomed as a full member of ThunderClan. Pinekit finds this repulsive, how easily Fernstar allows vermin into the clan with open arms. Goldenheart was right, this was a pitiful excuse for a leader!

Sagestar of RiverClan sends runners to the other three clans, carrying messages only for the ears of the other leaders. The runners return home just as swiftly, with rumours abound in each clan about what RiverClan would want with their leaders… Pinekit doesn’t know what to think of the runners coming into the clan with news for Fernstar, all he can do is sit in the nursery with his siblings and wait.

The first gathering since the rebellion was held and three cats from each clan were chosen to make a journey prophesized by StarClan. Fernstar, following Sagestar's announcement, declared that Twilightspring, a Brancher, will go on the Journey, as will the warriors Bumbleflight and Mapleraven. Pinekit, still untrusting of his clanmates, is relieved some will be leaving camp in ten days time. He starts focusing his energy into preparing to become an apprentice. 

(To be continued....)





Father & Mother - Goldenheart & Applemeadow (Screa-m & npc)

Pinekit vowed to follow in his father’s pawsteps. Nightmares of watching his father being brutally slain would haunt the young tom for seasons to come. He loved and missed his father so much at times it would take his breath away and pain would consume the young kitten.

Oh, how Pinekit wishes he could've gotten to know his mother. He wishes more than anything he could have time with both. He is proud to be their son and will never let any cat belittle them. Applemeadow, according to Papa, was loyal, smart, and passionate, but she was quiet with her distrust of ThunderClan. Rightfully so, Pinekit will always remember how they betrayed his family.

Foster Mother - Hazetears - RazzTazz

Pinekit resents Hazetears for trying to fill the void left from the murder of his parents. Deep down he knows they have no malicious intent for him or his siblings, but he doesn't care.

Detailed relationship sheet!

Sister- Honeycombkit- ItsYui

He continues to keep his fathers memory alive by continuing to dote on his sister. Pinekit is very protective over both his littermates, but slightly more for Honeycombkit. He looks to her for advice and to make the big decisions.

Brother- Wheatkit- Adder

Pinekit appreciates his brothers honesty, even if it is brutal at times. He is fiercely loyal to his brother and sees a lot of his fathers traits within him. Wheatkit reminds him strongly of his father, even if Honeycombkit resembles him the most.

Character Info

Designer artScrea-m
Design CreditScrea-m
CharacterFamily T.O.


Purchase PriceWon
Commissioned Art-
Art Trades+0
Personal Art+0
Written Works+0