


8 years, 5 months ago


◎ Amethyst
Age 22
Gender Female
Fur Type Woodland
Markings Standard
Height 5'4"
Sexuality Bisexual
Elemental Affinity Body/Health - Sound
Abilities Heightened Perception, Heightened Hearing, Generic Nature Tending
Talents High Musical Talent
◎ Friendly, Understanding, Empathetic, Sensitive

Amethyst is a sweet, thoughtful, and soft-spoken Churiel. Her elemental affinity is aligned with Sound, and she is extremely sensitive to noises. This can cause her much distress, as all noises read louder and clearer to her than to most. However, it also offers some advantages; Amethyst has perfect pitch, and loves to spend her time filling her home with the beautiful sounds of her piano.

Amethyst was born in Roilgrade, and from the very start of her life, she knew city life would not be for her. She struggled with her mental and physical health during her adolescence, and her parents tried everything to ease her struggles, but refused to move out of the apartment where they'd settled. When Amethyst was old enough to go out on her own, she packed up and moved to the town of Brightwood to escape the noise and hustle and bustle. Nowadays, she spends her time in a cabin just outside of town, listening to the soothing sounds of nature, and tending to her gardens and forest animal friends.

◎ Town of Brightwood

Although Amethyst prefers her semi-reclusive lifestyle, she enjoys her trips into Brightwood to stock up on supplies and interact with the townsfolk. She finds them to be exceptionally friendly, and she has a reputation as being polite and soft spoken.

◎ Likes
◎ Dislikes
Unexpected Visitors
Abrupt and Loud Noises
◎ Relationships

Amethyst is deeply in love with her boyfriend Emerald. His soft demeanor and quiet voice stood out to her from the moment she met him, and she found herself wanting to be in his presence always. Although he still travels often, Amethyst is finding him to be spending more and more time on his cabin excursions, and she hopes that someday he might like to settle in with her.

Peza is Amethyst's dearest friend. During her forest exploration, Amethyst happened upon the Sanctum, and knew immediately its echoing caves and musical waters would be a soothing place for her. Peza introduced herself during one of Amethyst's retreats there, and although the shaman is known for her lively charisma, Amethyst can see right through to her gentle spirit, and feels a deep connection with her.

profile html by Hukiolukio