Mike 'Mickie''s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

jsims Global Rules

  • I will never engage in, and never see any reason in, revoking characters. If I don't like you, I wont attempt to steal back your oc or anything like that. It's yours. Revoking is theft.

  • Backing out of payments/ghosting for any non-emergency reasons will result in a warning or blacklist depending on severity. Emergencies are things that physically prevents you from completing the art or cash payment, such as death in your family/of a pet, homelessness, events that drain your mental health to the point that it kills all of your motivation, etc. If you say its an emergency, it's an emergency- I wont police you on that. Art block is a reasonable reason to back out as well. Doing this multiple times will result in a blacklist, however. Make sure you COMMUNICATE.

  • Under absolutely no circumstances are you allowed to delete my designs off of TH for any reasons. If you sell it offsite, just hold it on your profile or an alt. If you don't want them anymore, I'd reccomend giving them away for free or sending them back to me.  There is no excuse for breaking this rule.

  • NEVER use my designs for any hateful content or general bigotry towards any minority, Including but not limited to, Transphobia, Homophobia, Ableism, Xenophobia, Antisemitism, Misogyny or anything similar.

  • NSFW art is fine as long as you're an adult & it's marked properly, and it isnt of a child or feral character. I don't want to see it, so mark it properly. It's your character; I won't stop you from using them however you choose. Just be careful.

  • Other than that, I'm pretty lax on my rules. Just dont be an ass and you're good.


  • Changing up my designs are completely allowed! All I really ask is you follow the few quick rules below.

  • Changing the design's species, presented gender, or body type (anthro -> feral etc) are all allowed; However, I ask you don't detransition visibly trans characters or change the race of humanoid designs, (especially POC characters!).

  • Please make sure your redesign holds some semblance to the original. If you can recognize that the redesign was the original character, You're pretty good to go.

  • I'd prefer if you didn't add yourself as a designer if you only changed a few things or switched feral to anthro or whatnot. Ask before doing so; And my credit must always remain.

  • Ask before changing my designs into any CS. (Closed species)


  • My designs have a trade cooldown of two weeks; Please do not use my designs as trade fodder. This is also to prevent someone from buying a design purely to draw a few things to resell. Please at least attempt to connect to the character! I can make exceptions to this if you're in an emergency situation.

  • The design must have at least one art piece that adds value (Can be personal art!) to be resold for more than it was bought for. They don't need added art to be retraded or gifted!

  • If you have made NSFW of the design, MAKE SURE THE PERSON YOU ARE SENDING IT TO IS AN ADULT OR DELETE IT! Do not send NSFW to minors.

  • Use any of my art (of characters that you own; Don't use this to steal) however you please. PFPs, Banners, Refs, art for codes, Even merch. You paid for it, You can use it however. You can also edit it however you want, as long as you aren't doing so for NSFW or hateful reasons. If I messed up your OC's design, feel free to let me know and I can probably fix it!

  • You may use my designs commercially (For Merch, Promotions, Fursuits, ETC.) Please do reach out to me first so if I come across it, I know the design is not stolen! I don't want to report your stuff on accident.

  • Never remove art I've drawn from any character unless told to BY ME. This is extremely disrespectful to the time I spent on the art. Please do something like creating an alt tab that's hidden if the character is redesigned or smth! (If asked for you to delete artwork of characters you own that I drew for ANY REASON you must abide by this. I will typically do this if it was a payment for someone else that they never paid for before trading to you, I will not ask you to delete art YOU paid for. This only applies to art before you got them!)


  • Never send my designs to these users, or ask before doing so.

  • Blacklisted users may NOT: Set tradeback rules on my designs, Ask for pings, Offer on, Or adopt my designs for free.

  • Blacklisted users are allowed to: Keep designs made by me that they owned prior to their blacklisting, Draw my designs, Sell/trade away my designs and Give my designs away for free, as long as the other person isn't blacklisted as well.

  • You are allowed to ask for more information on blacklisted users, And/or appeal it if you no longer engange in the behaviour listed.

  • CACTUS_CH0MP / BLISSFUL_MOON -  Block evading on multiple occasions.

  • MEATBOY / KILERFSHFROMSANDEIGO / BATTMEAT - Generally being an indecent person. Was rude, Passive aggresive, and continually made fun of me and my work behind my back. Repeatedly called my designs and art ugly for absolutely no reason. Referred to me with incorrect pronouns on several occasions.

  • COVES / CLAMPY - Turned something that shouldn't have been an issue into one, tried to 'scam' me out of a mystery trade. Also broke my cooldown TOS.

  • STARRUBERRII/NOTABERRII/HOMESTRUCK & WHICHHATS/EIGHTOCLOCKCIRCUIS- These two users are associated. Consistent sympathy baiting and crytyping. "I didn't mean to hurt anyone" whilst refusing to listen to things, general unprofessionalism, & Bringing an issue that always should have been private into the public. I'd rather not get super into it but you're free to ask. Also, Minor thing, but whichhats didn't have me blocked on their alt and they have screenshots of me from when after we mutally blocked, meaning they probably block evaded,

  • STRWBERY / WAIMART / PAWSIZE  - Very ableist towards those who experience psychosis, Did gross things in public as a minor, alleged grooming. Very very manipulative person. Friends with some people on my blacklist. Continually posted bulletins about wanting someone dead. makes me very uncomfortable. Evidence here, PSA not mine. PSA. Caused a user to get harrassed. Also was VERY weird about offering on characters in the past so I'd recommend not doing business.

  • ALL USERS WHO I HAVE BLOCKED OR HAVE ME BLOCKED. - I do not feel it is rational to list a person's name here just because they have blocked me, But they should not own my designs either way.


  • QHOSHI / QHOSHIE / CUAN -  Personal reasons.

  • CATFISH -  Personal reasons. They know why, If they apologize they're free to be removed. They didn't really do anything wrong.

  • GWEX -  Made up excuses for deadnaming someone when they could have simply apologized.

  • GOGGLEGUY Ableist towards those who experience psychosis, Specifically those who identify as IRLS.

  • FRIENDS OF ANYONE ON BLACKLIST -  Just proceed with caution.