


6 years, 6 days ago

Basic Info


Hero Wright (heer-oh rayht)








27th of June


Model kits, machines and mechanics, pranks and jokes, being the centre of attention.


Literature (Subject), getting into trouble, people who take things too seriously, being left out of anything.

Goals and Dreams

Become a weapons mechanic


Typhoon (Father), Melon (Mother), Indigo (Older Brother), Orchid (Older Sister), Humble (Younger brother), Flurry (Grandmother).

Ink Colour


Main Weapon

Sloshing Machine


Octoling Scope (Bomb Range Up) Annaki Flannel Hoodie (Special Power Up) Crazy Arrows (Ink Saver (Sub)).


Killer Inkstinct




Splat Zones: A-. Tower Control: A. Rainmaker: A+. Clam Blitz: A+.


Eye Colour: Pink.
Skin Tone: Tan.
Height: 164cm.

Hero is of average build and height. He holds himself with a carefree attitude, and his eyes are sharp and mischievous. He is rarely seen without his octoling scope, which is typically resting on top of his head.

Hero's hair naturally waves. His bangs are long and messy, so he combs them back to keep them out of his face. He ties his tentacles at the back of his head, roughly at the centre.


A prankster and troll, Hero is infamous for being a windup merchant and nuisance. He takes very little seriously and has a careless attitude towards (almost) everything; he's typically kicked out of class for being too disruptive a couple of times a day. The only place you will ever see him truly behave as himself is in his family's ramen shop (and even then, he can't always help himself).

Hero is relaxed and very fun loving. Hero's ultimate goal is to have fun and he's willing to do almost anything to do so. It's very easy to goad Hero into doing something stupid if it sounds like fun. While he would never do anything with the intent to hurt someone, that doesn't mean that his stupid stunts don't backfire and get himself and others into trouble. He does have a competitive streak and likes to win, but he's not too bothered by his losses. He'll even throw a match if given enough reason to do so. It is hard to truly upset Hero, but when he is he won't admit it, despite the fact it is obvious from his subdued behaviour.

He's passionate about mechanics and tinkers with all kinds of machinery. He's been dissembling and reassembling stuff since he was a child and has a firm grasp on how things work. He dream is to design and make weapons, and he's been trying to get an internship from Sheldon for ages, though the crab seems uninterested in having one. Hero's Sloshing Machine was made by himself, using an old washing machine that his family owned and as such, is his most prized possession. He still tinkers with it and has been banned twice by Turf League officials for "fixing" his weapon.

Though he will always claims otherwise, Hero hates it when he's not the centre of attention. In an attempt to get the focus back on him, he starts acting up, getting louder and sillier until he's back in the centre, sometimes even going as far as performing dangerous stunts to do so. This very frequently gets him in to trouble, and he spends a lot of time in detention. Killer Inkstinct don't hold their practise sessions straight after school anymore due to how often Hero is kept behind.

The Wright family is a big one, and full of big personalities to boot. It's a "be loud and be heard" situation, so it's not uncommon for them to shout over the top of each other; to outsiders it often looks like they don't get along but in reality its the opposite. Hero gets along well with all his siblings, though he clashes at times with Orchid due to their pigheaded natures. His family owns a famous ramen shop called The Ramen Shaman, a shop which has been in their family for three generations, and everyone in the family works there. Their father, normally a relaxed and carefree man, becomes a tyrant in the shop, so all the kids are very well behaved when at work.


Hero is good at claiming splats, especially when the enemies are trying to retreat or hide. The arc and blast radius of his shots means that Hero can easily shoot overhead or behind walls, picking off opponents when they least expect it. He will often team up with Clover or Jackal to assist with his autobombs and splatting the opponents as they try to escape.

Despite the power of his weapon, the sloshing machine requires accuracy to get direct hits. While Hero is a skilled player, he is reckless and aggressive; often the shots he misses are the difference between him getting splatted and not. Not to mention Hero is very easily distracted, and if the enemy knows what they’re doing he can be easily goaded into doing something stupid, making him a liability for his team (they’re working on it).


Fun Facts:

  Although he really wants to cook in the family restaurant, he’s not a good cook and is typically not allowed. Indigo teaches him in his spare time but he has a knack for ruining food.
 His family have two pet nudibranchs, named Mochi and Toffee. While they are family pets, they belong specifically to Hero and Humble, so it’s their responsibility to look after them.
 Is most likely to skip the tutorials or instructions.

Favourite Food: Seafood Pizza.
Favourite Colour: Purple.
Favourite Season: Summer.
Favourite Class: Industrial Arts.
Favourite Emoji:   
Favourite Song: Splatattack.
Favourite Mode: Clam Blitz.
Favourite Map: Sturgeon Shipyard.
Favourite Squid Sister: Callie.