Horatio (on hold!)'s Comments

Are u only considering cash for em? :'0c

Cash and art mostly!! I’m just not really looking at character offers right now.

Thats fiiine! I don't have the full price on cash but I could offer $150 worth of art if u are interested in that :0!

Examples here: https://muky-cuddly.carrd.co/#prices

OH OMG your artstyle is so so pleasing to look at. I can totally accept that!

Tyyyssm!! Can I send ya a message to discuss details n stuff :''0c?

Yea!! Sounds good ^^

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If you wanna offer still I’m totally down to take offers for him!

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Mostly money offers ! But I’d be willing to look at art and character offers as well!

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Aaa unfortunately none of the characters caught my interest! And as for this guy I’m honestly willing to haggle! Probably least I’d do is $100 for him since I bought him for 150

1 Replies

This guy’s super pretty!! I’d be down to offer the $150 for him!

Absolutely! If you pay here whenever you're ready; https://buy.stripe.com/28o8xed2PcBpexacNa
I'll throw you him on over as soon as I get the notif! Please feel free to gimmie a poke once that's done too to make sure I see it

HI sorry it took a second! Payment should be sent ^^

Hey not a problem! You got good timing I just opened my phone as soon as the notif came in lmao

You’re all good!! I’ll just send him over to you now; thank you smuch! 💞

Hello! I could do art for this guy! also open to doing nsfw if you'd like that too :D

Hiya! ✨

Does anyone here interest you?

You can choose multiple, if you like!

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Sorry for the late reply! Good question though haha
I mean shoot your shot! Everything's on the table, I like character trades the most if you're to ask me, though

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Can I offer trade?

Uu this guy looks so pretty!! I love the color palette sm!

I can offer u art, i can do as much u like to match the money price, and i also have some guys that i can trade here!

Im also open to do the character trade + art!


Ty for consider this❤️

Forgot to add, but my age is on my Bio, i can also sent u a screenshot of the dob on the settings thing!

Augh I’m very sorry, but I didn’t see anything that caught my eye here! Thank you so much for your interest all the same, though! 

Is ok! ❤️