The Messenger



8 months, 10 days ago



The Messenger


The Messenger is never out of style. Intermediaries between the mortal and mythical have always been a staple of stories, and the Messenger embodies this. They have the ability to travel between the Unconscious and the real world with ease. They are unbounded by human expectation with the ability to appear in a myriad of forms, from animals to people. They are, in fact, delighted that humanity has become more globalized in communication.

Now, they have given the task of The One Who Got Away to their old friend Charon, and now oversees her efforts. They appear subtly, at first, before revealing themself to their companions.

However, for as aware she is of humanity, she must also keep her duty. She tells her equals of their missions and expectations, and tries to give leeway when she sees fit. Now, after giving Charon more time than she could offer for The One That Got Away, The Messenger must intervene when its ends are not tied so neatly.


personality. sympathetic / curious / hypocritical

Messenger has been curious since the beginning of time. Unlike more distant Archetypes, they have an inherent connection to the world, originally drawing them to Charon. They are witty and clever, using this to communicate in odd ways. Messenger is quite cosmopolitan and casual, a far cry from many other Archetypes.

They understand that everyone has their limits, and is willing to forgive easier than most. They push their limits of what they're allowed to do to give others time with cleverness. However, when they forgive too much, they can't afford to face the consequences. This makes them still abide by their duty and the status quo of the Unconscious, and will tell you that you shouldn't shoot the messenger when telling you your fate. Because of this, the Messenger can sometimes come across as cruel and contemptful in their wits when they've tried all that they could.

Unlike Des, the Messenger has a more superficial connection to humanity. They only really know the important details they must ferry around, like headline news. They don't tend to see the details of the whole, and are not connected to people on a more personal level. This gives them a great view of the bigger picture, but little understanding of its individuals.




likes fashion, social media, birds, color-changing animals, lettering.
dislikes drabness, nasty comments.

Don't shoot the messenger...


  • The Messenger appears as an animal in the beginning of the story.
    • Usually, it's something stark and noticable, such as a fruit dove in South California.
    • Unlike other Archetypes, they have several names they made up over the years.
  • The Messenger has a social media they have been maintaining for quite a bit.
  • Enjoys making Charon look like a bit of a loser when they reveal themself to Emil.
    • This isn't to say they're petty- the Messenger is quite kind, but is also a bit of a hypocrite.

design notes.

  • Colorful. Has bird or angelic themes.
    • guy who has not been designed yet