


9 months, 11 days ago




 FLAMESPLASH - a short haired, black and red, mackerel tortoiseshell she-cat, with blue eyes. 

Enthusiastic and aggressive to enemies. Mentored by Sandfur, sees her as an awesome aunt. Was an apprentice with her bestie Silver, is only two moons older than her. Most chaos-touched cat in Cometclan. An enthusiastic about life cat, enjoys new experiences. Sandfur's last  apprentice right before she had Mint and Mud. While not as curious as  Silver, is willing to go along with whatever scheme the apprentice has come  up with with very little persuasion. Despite having fluffy-looking fur, it's not very thick so she uses her BFF as a blanket sometimes.  Former rogue as a young apprentice.

  • Likes:
  • Silverpaw
  • swimming
  • learning about other Clans
  • Dislikes:
  • cold
  • being alone
  • when the river freezes


Flame's favorite person is Silverpaw, the cat that gets both of them into trouble on the regular.

Sandfur was like Flame's second mom. Despite her seriousness, Sand and Flame got along really well.

Robinpatch and Flame joined Cometclan around the same time, and bonded over their foreignness. Still get together to talk about how weird the Clans are.

Mintkit and Mudkit adore their older sis Flame. Mint has even started asking to be Flame's apprentice when the time comes.