Chiery's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

CarefulJester Global Rules

Design TOS

When offering on my characters keep in mind you will have 2 weeks to a month to complete the art/custom/trade, otherwise they will be put to offer again. You can get an extension if I recieve a wip from you in that timespan. I gaurantee to do the same.

Once a character is traded, sold, or given away to me, I have the right to do as I please with said character, in terms of character design and ownership. I hereby promise to read owner TOS and respect said TOS, but I wont give back a design unless stated in sellers TOS that designs must be returned! 

Once a character is traded, sold, or given away to someone else, they have the right to do as they please with said character, as long as it still looks like my design, and credits for the original design (not counting add - ons made by the client) are given to me and are visible. You are allowed to trade, sell, or give away said design as long as its what you paid for it, unless extra art is added!

If you want a design from me, just ask. Im always open for design requests in exchange for art or custom trades, though money is preffered!

If I see any of my designs are used to promote harmful ideals and messages you will be blacklisted.

When recieving a character from me, before trading it off again, client must wait 2 weeks before trading to ensure that you didn’t  just buy it off me to sell it immediately. You can also trade back the character to me for a custom ref of an already existing character or a completely new character! I would prefer you trade back the design but youre free to trade it off, following the rules above.