


9 months, 5 days ago


Baldur's Gate 3 oc..... Yum


Tiefling bard<3

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(Still a WIP im figuring this guy out still)

Selan is a bard from Baldur's Gate. They're genuinely just there to have fun and performing is their favorite thing to do. They like making stories and love overexaggerating things. They're kind of a little shit, known to cause unnecessary drama everywhere. They mess stuff up on purpose just to cause chaos and if someone gets hurt they honestly just laugh about it. 

They're very chaotic and have no pokerface. They're not mean or "evil" but they don't really care too much about others. They're selfish unless with people they care about. They're not really a fighter but they know the basics of fighting and if given the chance, they play music during a fight for the fun of it.

They have the tendency to not take stuff seriously which makes them hard to bond with sometimes. They don't really have  any close friends because of that so they really don't know how to act around others in a normal setting. They know how to put on a show but interacting is  anew concept.

Sarcasm is their best self-defence mechanism

Their instrument of choice is a violin but they can play other instruments too. 

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Design notes:
-Gradient hair with small ponytail and mullet
-Small scar over lip
-Small-ish horns
-Pointy ears
-Black sclera

-Clothes can be drawn simplistic or detailed
-Please give them a strand of hair on the forehead<3