


9 months, 3 days ago


Name: Lacewing 

Gender: Male

Description: 10. A sweet, funny, and funloving Hivewing who is extremely loyal to his kingdom. He is very large and strong, and loves water. He was born in Jewel hive. His real parents he doesn't know, he was raised from an egg by his gay dads, Millipede and Stonefly. Living in jewel hive gave Lacewing an appreciation for all things pretty, especially gemstones, and also living so close to the coast means Lacewing loves the ocean and water. Growing up, Lacewing learned all about the empire and the wars and troops of the empire through his school experience, and now that he's reached the age of 10, he's finally going for his dream of serving the empire through the Armada. He’s not very quick and has claustrophobia. His weapon of choice at the moment is a spear. He is a bisexual and goes by he/him and they/them
Lacewing’s full name is Lacewing Neuroptera Chrysopidae. His birthday is June 19. He enjoys watching dragons go about their days. He is not a huge fan of alcohol but can have a little. He's allergic to cats but loves them anyway. He's upper-middle class.
He is mostly a meat eater (and conniseur) but eats plants every now and then for health reasons.
Lacewing has been with many dragons in the past in relationships. Lacewing is an eager, impolite eater and talks while eating but is a polite drinker. He has a training dummy that he named Thread
Once he inhaled a flower and almost choked and died, but a Silkwing saved him with the Heimlich maneuvre. He likes romance, although his favorite book is a thriller called “The Dangers of the Deep”. He isnt great at weaving but likes it and is jealous of Silkwing silk abilities. He finds scavengers quirky. He loves history. He’s a huge Clearsight believer but respects dragons who don’t. His favorite color is orange.
Lacewing has been banned from somewhere before. He loves terrible joke pickup lines He has childhood trauma definitely and hates drama and conflict.
He is terrible at impressions. He smells distinctly of oceanwater, but only faintly - you have to get close to him to smell it.

Extra powers: Boiling acid he can spit from his tail.

Jewelry list: He only wears on special occasions: an orange bowtie, a black anklet with rubies embedded into it that he wears on his back right leg, and a golden bracelet he wears on his front left leg. One gold hornband on his right horn. Orange cape/gown thing, rainbow horn-cloth

Sexuality and relationships: bisexual, questioning polyamorous, questioning polysexual; currently in an on-again off-again relationship.