


9 months, 2 days ago




Name Desson ("Dess")
Pronouns he/him
Age 25
Height 5'7"
Race Harpy / Skywing Elf
Class Martial
Sexuality bi
??? TBD


  • energetic
  • socialable
  • charitable


  • clear skies
  • content
  • spending time with people

"I'm gonna wing it." - Desson, about something he most definitely should not wing


Raised in a remote mountain village high in the Sword Mountains, Desson spent most of his days darting between the mountain peaks hunting for game, fulfilling his social obligation to the village with his hunting. While his life was content in the village and in his role, he did wish to travel to places that had more people.

After being lulled into a false sense of security, Desson and some fellow villages were captured by cultists from the Cult of the Howling Hatred. Taken deep underground to their fortifications in the ancient city of Tyar-Besil. Thankfully, they were rescued by a band of adventurers looking for members of a missing delegation. Handing them weapons, the group told the rescued survivors to help them fight their way out. With his new scimitar in hand, Desson fought and proved himself, impressing on of the members of the adventuring party, an elven woman named Vinali.

The Stars of the Lady

Once they managed to get back to some semblance of civilization, Vinali had a chat with Desson about a little group she was putting together. Something that could gather information in the large valley and tackle some smaller problems the group she was with didn't have the bandwidth to deal with. Wanting to help, and not exactly wanting to head back to his possibly destroyed village, Desson readily agreed and joined the Stars of the Lady.


  • Despite liking being around people, the largest "city" he's ever been to is Red Larch, prior to the Stars of the Lady at least.
  • The feathers he wears on his earring are from a juvenile roc he solo hunted.
  • While it's not something he's ever explored, he does have some talen with musical instruments. Not so much his singing voice though.
  • Once tried to keep an ownbear cub as a pet.
  • Due to his upbringing, he essentially has no historical knowledge.



Vinali [ Friend? ]

While the circumstances they met in could have been better, Desson is grateful her and her friends showed up and got him out of there. Since then, they've worked well together and Vinali invited him to join her order, the Stars of the Lady, which he accepted. During less stressfull times, they've enjoyed a number of evenings together over a few bottles of wine, and he's felt they've gotten closer. Desson looks forward to getting to spend some more time with her again soon.


Quinn [ co-worker ]

Just becuase she perpetually looks at Desson like he just dropped and shattered her favorite priceless teacup, and he can hear the oncoming sigh and wave of sarcasm when he receives a sending from her, doesn't make her a bad person. She just... needs a lot of time to warm up to people, Desson figures. Still, it's not like she's ever chased him out of her tower, so that's something, right?


Caleris [ co-worker ]

Desson has found Caleris rather difficult to get to know, he doesn't seem interested in talking to people, and much prefers to handle things on his own. That seems to mean flying off on his own and night, and coming back bloddy the next morning. Still, somehow, he seems like a person with other's best interests at heart, even if he frequently complains about everything and everyone.