
Name: Rusty Deadeye (WIP name)

Race: Owlin (Eastern Screech-owl)

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 40's

Class: Warlock or Fighter (WIP)

Personality: Serious, Loyal, Stubborn, Sarcastic, Fatherly

Backstory: As a young man he worked as part of his city's town-guard but eventually went down the path of becoming a criminal and joining a notorious band of Outlaws. He got a bad wing injury during those times and eventually due to ingroup fighting he decided to leave the gang of Outlaws. He wanted to settle down and start a new life at his Pop's old ranch, but his outlaw days caught up to him when one day a fire started by his former outlaw allies burnt down the farm. He prayed to any higher being willing to listen for protection and to be able to redeem himself. Which led to him finding an Owlin egg abandoned which he adopted and took in as his daughter. Over the years he sees visions of an ethereal barn owl woman, which are exasperated after the fact his adult daughter goes no-contact with him when learning of his Outlaw past. Seeking to make it up to his daughter and to himself, as well as the being haunting his dreams, he sets out on one last adventure of redemption before his well-deserved retirement.

Inspirations: RDR2 (Arthur Morgan, John Marston)

Song(s): Hell's Comin' With Me, Who Is She?, Slipping through my Fingers