


9 months, 10 days ago


❝ Let the wind have a chance to make your wishes come true. ❞


NAME Everett
BIRTHDAY August 30th
SPECIES Wind Reaper
CLAN Nimbians
ORIENTATION Heterosexual
height 3 feet

𓆩 BIO 𓆪

Everett was born on the Windy Peak. As soon as he emerged from the egg, it was clear that something was wrong with him: he struggled to stand on his legs and his tail was stiff. As he grew older, his disability became apparent. However, with the help of his parents, Everett was able to find a way to cope with it, especially when it came to gliding, the traditional sport of the Windy Peak Clan. After the adulthood ceremony, as many youngs of the Windy Peak, Everett left the Cloudy Peaks to venture out into the world, beginning what would be the adventure of his life.


Everett is an adventurer: he loves getting into trouble, but most of all finding a way to get out of it as unscathed as possible. He dislikes violence of any kind, and if he finds himself in need of confrontation that cannot be resolved by diplomacy, he always prefers flight to attack. This he does not do out of cowardice, but out of his deep conviction that every form of life and thought, no matter how different, should be respected. His disability has led him to be the "different one" in the group and he hates to see others feel the same way. He is very reserved and has a hard time trusting others, so he lives in solitude and is very good at hiding from unwanted stares. However, he is very attached to his tradition and ancestors, which is the reason why, since leaving the Cloudy Peaks, he almost always wears his traditional clothes.

𓆩 POEM 𓆪



Everett was born on Windy Peak. From early on he showed that he had a mild disability: he limped and could not flex his tail properly. Over time, his problem became particularly noticeable, and Everett had to learn to cope with all aspects. In particular, what hurt him most was not the physical difficulty, but the ridicule from his peers and adults: The Windy Peak Clan is made up of brave Wind Reapers, capable of incredible feats, but it seemed that Everett would never measure up. Through his father's attention and intense daily training Everett stitched himself back together to gain full awareness of his body and movements, and before he reached adulthood he was able to do everything his peers did. Slowly, they regained confidence in him and finally Everett felt part of the Clan he was born into.

Once he completed his First Glide down the Glacier, the ritual that marked the transition from childhood to adulthood, Everett left his land. It was not easy for him, but the desire to know more, to go where no one had gone before, beyond the boundaries of the known, was an incessant scream in his head. He said goodbye to his parents, who watched him leave full of pride, knowing that they would probably never see him again, and set out down the mountain where he had been born and where he had lived his entire life.

From the very first day of his journey he faced several unpleasant and dangerous situations. He had just left the Cloudy Peaks when he heard a growl behind him. A large wolf was staring at him. They sprinted at the same instant, the wolf toward him, Everett toward the nearest tree. He reached it in two leaps and in less than two seconds was at the top. The wolf leapt along the trunk of the tree and began to howl, unable to reach its prey. After a while, it moved away and Everett was able to continue his adventure. He wandered for months, with no clear direction and not knowing what exactly he was looking for. Sometimes he met other Wind Reapers who, like him, wanted to explore the world and perhaps find some delicious snacks in the process. However, he never flanked anyone, and after a quick exchange of information about the land they respectively came from, each went on his own way. Once, he traveled a piece of road with another traveler, headed in the same direction as him. Waking up one morning, all his food supplies were gone. Thereafter, he trusted no one and always continued on his own.

After months of travel he understood what he was looking for. It was not by a flash of lightning or a dream that he revealed his purpose: he saw it before his eyes. He had passed through a dense pine forest, taking large glimpses of pine cones, and was now standing in front of a beautiful crystal-clear lake. Tears came to his eyes thinking back to "his" lake, The Eye, which he used to see every day from his home in the Cloudy Peaks. It was at that moment that, overcome with nostalgia, he decided that he would stay there, in that wonderful place.



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