Experiment H-736254



9 months, 18 days ago


Plasma Lounge
No role
NAME: H-736254
HEIGHT: 1,60m (5'2 ft)
Species: Unknown
Alignment: True neutral
Personality: Calm, pacific
H-736254 is the result of an experiment that took place inside of the Plasma Lounge. What the experiment was or what the scientists expected as result is currently unknown. After seeing what had turned out, everyone in the room was scared the creature might've rebelled or acted violent, but H-736254 didn't show any sort of aggressive behaviour. On the opposite, it seemed confused. It wasked where it was, or what happened to it. Since then, it collaborated with the studies and researches and has been a pretty active member in the Lounge, but still deemed and dubbed as "experiment", and without having any particular job or position. Despite this, it's treated with respect and overall care: it'd be a lie to say there isn't a bit of fear of it randomly rebelling. After all, during all these years of studies, it has shown to be an extremely intelligent entity, endowed with unknown powers. Experiment H-736254 is very quiet and doesn't speak much, but when it does it's cordial and respectful of the interlocutor. It can be seen roaming around in the halls.