


8 months, 5 days ago

Basic Info

Spirit type:



Taxidermist's glasshouse, Satanazes


- profile in progress -

- the Taxidermist doesn't have a proper name. his most popular nickname comes from his collection of animal specimens that fills up his glasshouse. 

- he also has the habit of patching dead human body parts with other inorganic materials together then re-animates the result as a doll. there's always something off in things he made; the doll's behaviors after resurrection seem so uncanny it quickly becomes creepy to other people.

- his other nicknames being "Angel of Death" (although obviously he's not an angel), "Doctor" (also not a doctor), or just "Bird" - only circulates among the spiritual community.

- the Taxidermist is the herald of plague since diseases and deaths follow his footsteps so literally no mortal ever likes to see him around. a lot of his dolls also spread diseases which make people terrified of them even more.

- the beaked mask came from him constantly travelling around deathly areas to collect materials and he needed something to protect himself from the miasmic surroundings.

- none was ever able to see Taxidermist's face not because he wants to cover it up - he just doesn't have a real one and how others perceive his facial features are varied from person to person. onlookers somehow always feel an unsettling sensation whenever the Taxidermist shows them what's under the mask.