


9 months, 20 days ago



Designer Jora_H
Gender Male
ObtainedBought from designer for 20$ 
Significant Other None
Rules May gift, trade, or resell
Species Demon

RoleThe Vice of Greed


  • Occasionally, small dark wisps of smoke come off of him, even with his 'mask' on. Especially when he's emotional or in a fight

✔/ Showman - Clever - Smooth talker - Lighthearted - Whimsical - Fun

X/ Gambler - Adrenaline junkie - Mischevious - Sarcastic - Nonserious - Enigmatic

In his life, Ante was a gambling man who was killed after a lucky streak that upset the casino and led to accusations of cheating. He was murdered by the casino's men so that he wouldn't be able to collect on the money he'd won. Waking again as a demon he dedicated his afterlife to...naturally- gambling. Now with people's lives and dangers at stake. The fate of gods and other demons at his fingertips as he rolls his dice and cards and pulls others into his games for his own amusement.

He can never pass up a bet or game- always willing to see what happens with a bit of luck on his side.

Despite the fact he's a demon- it's truly just the thrill of the gamble that he enjoys. The higher the stakes- the funner for him. But he actually has quite a bit of integrity as a player and never cheats unless he can tell that his opponent is cheating first- at which point all is off the table and he'll win by any means necessary. As long as you're fair with him...he's fair with you.

He's cunning, energetic, and a showman. Despite this, he's actually genuinely pretty nice and considerate of others- and absolutely won't tolerate cheating or abusive behavior from anyone. His loyalty to the dark gods is only in that gambling is considered a vice...and the goddess of mischief does so love a game or two. 

"Lets up the ante, darling, Snake eyes- or you lose"


  • He wears a rabbit "Mask" that covers his face. He can have a human face or demonic face below that. 
  • He's actually a deceptively powerful demon. Even though on the surface he doesn't seem to do much- he rivals some of the demon lords in power. Even though he'd really rather be having fun and making games out of it, and really doesn't use that power for evil- meaning he's more of a trickster than a legitimate threat. Despite not having a powerful aura, he's still capable of altering the very perception of the world of people around him and manipulating magnificent hallucinations of a casino realm of his own creation and maintaining this power for extended periods of time- the sure sign of a demon who's far stronger than he lets on. 
  • His desire to gamble is less about "winning" anything and more about the adrenaline of seeing what happens. 
  • He doesn't care to elaborate why he's chosen a rabbit for the shape of his face. All that matters is whatever game he's playing.