Tag Directory



9 months, 3 days ago


This applies to all my OCs no matter which world they're in. These Are Tags that may not be exactly obvious.

I will add to this whenever I see fit

  • LFC- Looking For Creator
    -All OCs without credentials will be tagged LFC in hopes someone may have answers. This tag will be removed only when the original Creator has been found
  • LFL- Looking For Love
    -OCs with this tag are looking for Romantic relationships with other OCs
  • Need To Draw
    -Characters I have obtained that I have not yet drawn myself. This tag will be removed once I draw them.
  • Single
    -OCs who don't have a romantic partner weather they want one or not.
  • Taken
    -OCs that are in a romantic relationship with another OC, so please don't draw them romantically with anyone else other than their partner. If not on their profile, their partner is likely in their Links (I use Links like it's going out of style) If not Listed anywhere, feel free to ask me, I will know.
  • Literal Child
    -OCs that are minors and are not to be drawn in any sort of adult activity, and are not to be drawn aged up. The tag will be removed once they are actually properly aged up. A young looking OC without this tag can be drawn aged up- but please refrain from any adult activity just in case.
  • Original
    -OCs I designed myself. 
    --If an OC in The Adoption Room has this tag, it means you may pay money to adopt them
  • Adopted
    -OCs I adopted/Not designed by me
    --If an OC in The Adoption Room has this tag, it means you cannot pay money to adopt them. Trades Only
  • Bred
    -This OC came from crossing 2 OCs. 
  • Stacys Bloodline
    -OCs that are Part of Stacy's Vast Family Tree. Mostly a personal Tag as I do not wish for incest in my world.
  • Hybrid
    -OCs that are a Species mix.
  • Royal
    -OCs that come from a royal line one way or another
  • Developed
    -OCs, weather they have a written Bio or not, I could tell you exactly what this Character is all about. Their personality, their likes and dislikes, etc.
  • Needs Development
    -OCs I have that I'm still getting to know.
  • Mom Club
    -OCs (Primarily female) that are prominent mother figures. Biological motherhood not necessary.