


5 years, 10 months ago


✦ Watermelon

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

Shetland ponies are known for their intelligence and naughtiness but Watermelon definitely takes those traits to the next level. He's very cheerful and looks like an adorable fluffy ball that wouldn't hurt a fly but when you look past that, into his soul, he's a very annoying and naughty pony, especially towards humans and bigger animals (including horses). This often gets him into trouble (sometimes with his friends as well) but unfortunately he only uses his intelligence for more pranks (aka thinking of more ways to screw up) and not for keeping a low profile. Despite the annoying aspect of his personality, he's a sweetheart towards small animals and children. He doesn't mind being used as a riding pony for a young rider or giving a free ride to small animals. Watermelon doesn't have an owner, instead he wanders around on his own terms. He often hangs out at friends places, usually turning up unannounced. Locking him up to prevent him from leaving doesn't help, he'll always find a way to escape. Besides, even if you'd manage to keep him inside, the only result would be a depressed pony.


He's a watermelon coloured pony (big surprise there), for more details see his reference below.

✦ Story


✦ Relationships


Killerbee is a medium-sized ladybug and his best friend. They're often found together. Since Killerbee is also fond of pestering others they aren't very populair as a pair but that doesn't stop them from hanging out anyway. Despite the fact that he has wings, Killerbee also uses him as a mount when he doesn't feel like walking or flying.


Cake is his girlfriend. Together they have a daughter, Red Velvet.

Red Velvet

Red Velvet (also known as Velly) is his daughter. Watermelon adores her a lot, even though she takes more after her mom than her dad.

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