Redback 🩸



5 years, 11 months ago


(this is all to be edited and made pretty later. Just info dump. A small warning, trauma is indicated in this. He’s an incredibly special character to me)

Redback|he/they|early 50s | demi-ro/se


A joker and natural flirt, Redback has always been a person of sunshine. He’s a recovered past people-pleaser, with a solid understanding of social interactions and boundaries. Smart and helpful, he tries his best when it comes to loved ones, always giving his all. Not to say he doesn’t have negatives, he has old habits from his childhood. Lack of confidence and body dismorphia plagues his mind at the worst of times and old emotional trauma rots at the edges of his heart.


Redback joined the Nirotech project after a failed life, his family life was broken to say the least. Their consistent bickering and emotional manipulation, ruined his chance to grow and do what he loved. He was a shut in for majority of his teenage life and early 20s, a workaholic mechanic for a industry that never cared for his well-being. He completely cuts off his parents at 25, realising that he had to restart he chances; so he joins the renowned Nirotech Project with nothing to lose. He gets what he wants in a terrible sort of way, but gains everything.

Now 33 and a rogue in a world that is so much bigger than the one he came from, he’s handed a child of deceased two from the project. Majority of the people he knew are dead, he has scars that may never heal, he’s tired. But in every problem and possibility, he chooses the child; who’s sleeping face in his arms almost lights up the dying flame in his eyes. The kid wasn’t even named, so he names her after his favourite movie- Coraline.

Redback always wanted to be the parent that his never was, he cared for her from practically birth. And for the longest time it was just them two surviving in a world full of monsters, but now a third had decided to join them. It was uncomfortable at first, but Red had learned to like the alien cat.

Fun facts:

- Red is neurodivergent! His masking fell during his early twenties, and realised that he felt more comfortable in his skin. It also helped him notice the traits of ADHD in his daughter. He's truthful, blunt at times, very good at his craft, though has always struggled socially. He is still coming to terms with his differences.

- Genetic altering caused him to almost instantly grow hair back. It was a downside to his abilities, some of his hormones went out of wack- causing the unusual feature. He kind of gave up shaving and just trims instead.

- He has a slight limp due to his prosthetic leg, despite every change he’s done to it, he still hasn’t managed to level it properly. He also has small weakening within his left shoulder where tiny scales are beginning to appear. He's not getting younger, despite his slowed age, he's still battle-worn. And unheard results of his monsterous capabilities due to age are still a risk.

- Hopeless romantic. He's always thought of falling in love, or crushing hard; though struggles to romantically connect to people. Either because of his complicated background or just the situation he’s currently in, raising a child with the same-sorta abilities as him wasn’t an easy explanation in the dating scene. Majority of the time he doesn’t even catch the signals at first. Despite this, he does have a little secret stash of Romance books. He’s managed to make a little nook in his home office.

Specific note:

Lineage is South American/Australia, tans super easily. rip wearing tank tops in the sun.

Red lost his leg during a recon mission while he was still under the control of Niro CO. It has permanently damaged the nerves in that specific area of his hip, while it doesn't give him much pain- he is unable to feel much halfway on the right side of his body. Helps in fights somewhat, doesn't help with injuries.