


8 months, 5 days ago
ixi t


Victor | He\him | also very old

- Born as an orphan. abandonned as a baby at the staircase of a church. Of course was taken in 

- oddly high affinity with the supernatural world. So soon as he opened his eyes dude's never been alone (the voices lmao)

- Grew up to be a highly disturbed boy. So far all he knew was the catholic beliefs so at some point he was convinced he was living under some devilish curse. Coudn't make friends due to all rumors and stuff

- like most teens he had his rebellious phase and at that point decided to give his abilities a second chance. Lot to sum up but let's say he got into some trouble. That trouble would be called Ness

- What I mean by that is that he got super close to a low rank diiiirty demon that convinced him to sign a pact.. oopsie

- for anyone curious: ofc the pact was one sided and only Ness was beneficied lol. Victor lost his soul. But got uuh a cool sigil tattoo B)

Though I'd add that his personality changed quite a lot at this point. Besides the whole "I'll never trust anyone again" trauma, losing his soul kinda took most of humanity he had in. Like all his feelings got clouded inaway? Probably easier to understand reading his whole lore but not happening anytime soon I'm too lazy oop

- We skip all the uuh long denial blah blah I hate myself I was so stupid now I'm banned from the only place I called home 

- bunch of years later trying to get around met Elijah (TBN's father) who offered him a place to stay while he tried to wrap his head around everything... the whole self discovery n learning how to live souless and uuh he also discovered he's not completely human... Oh man there's just too much to summarize

- After Elijah and his wife passed, as a favor accepted to keep an eye on TBN

- Feelings about TBN: pretty much indifferent. Does his best to keep his promise and keep an eye out but it's easier than said when you're dealing with a whole dude lol. But oh well they're both very cold towards each other.... unless.............