


9 months, 2 days ago



Name Bellflower
Designer Fatedhope
Gender Female
ObtainedArt trade
Significant Other None
Rules Trade only
SpeciesWingless Dragon

RolePlant courier


  • Flowers and vines can be moved/change. They naturally fall out and regrow in her fur thanks to her magical output

✔/ Sweet- Soft- Expressive - Loving - Cute - Relaxed

X/ Skittish - Quiet - Crybaby - Gullible - Nonassertive - Daydreams too much

Bellflower is a soft and quiet girl who rarely talks and rarely interacts with those around her. She tends to answer with smiles and nods and when she does speak, it's rarely more than a word or two. While very kind and willing to go above and beyond for others, she does not always know how to put her foot down or speak her mind when she needs to care for herself, often causing herself to be pushed beyond her limits of exhaustion or patience.

She tends to cry when upset rather than get angry, and flee instead of fight. And rarely ever complains or speaks up when unhappy. She's happiest among plants and nature, and gets very stressed and overwhelmed when in large cities or being far from her forest home.


  • She often carries around bags of seeds and small plant sprouts

Bellflower lives among the druids of the Seventh. Though she is herself, not a druid- she has great reverence for nature and chooses to live there to live among others who respect the natural realm so greatly. She's a well known staple at the druidic circles and she helps out by tending to flowers and plants, most often carrying and spreading seeds through the forest to take the plants the druids have cultivated and help them to grow throughout the forests.

Sometimes, this involves longer trips to the main villages and cities to spread plantlife further to help stabilize ecosystems.

Despite her important duty- she really isn't insightful enough that she truly understands and plans out her actions herself -she does what the druids tell her to do and assumes they must have the best interest of nature at heart. This has led to her occasionally being taken advantage of by bad actors for their own means. 


  • Flowers, plants, nature
  • Vanilla or mint smells
  • Starry skies
  • Campfire stories

  • Forest fires/uncontrolled flame
  • Anger or violence, battle
  • Disrespect for nature
  • Dying plants/creatures

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.