Deer's Comments

hiI! Would u take anyone in my TH without a lock emoji in their name for this fella?

sorry to bother but i wanted to inform you that i made this piece of art, could you credit me if possible?

Absolutely! My other account got shut down and I lost all the pieces and credits so I had no idea what you account was!

Very sorry that happened :( i have a higher quality version of the art, i'll see if i can send it over


Do u maybe have a picture of the original picture of the oc ? It’s okay if not!

I sadly don't:( I tried to look for it this morning but I could t find it

this is the only one that i am interested in regarding the bunny adopt on my page. it is 4$ over the price of my adopt. i can make a 3$ feral desgin for you so the prices match if you want