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Braum, a coyote with a distinctive appearance, boasts a fur palette of various browns, grays, and whites characteristic of his species. However, what truly sets him apart are his mesmerizing eyes – one a deep, captivating blue, the other shining like pure gold, adding an air of mystery to his unassuming visage.

True to his celestial namesake, Braum embodies steadfastness and wisdom in his personality. A genuinely good-natured individual, he offers warm smiles and helping hands to those in need, becoming a comforting beacon of positivity. In challenging situations, Braum remains level-headed and calm, showcasing his mastery in maintaining composure and making him a trusted confidant for those seeking guidance.

Forthrightness defines Braum's character, as he communicates with honesty and straightforwardness, even when broaching uncomfortable topics. His integrity and truthful nature foster respect and trust among those who know him. In essence, Braum is a character of genuine kindness, wisdom, and honesty, with his striking appearance mirroring his unwavering good nature. His level-headedness and forthrightness establish him as a steady and trustworthy presence in the lives of those fortunate enough to call him a friend.