
1 year, 7 days ago


"Good morning, are you hungry?"

Peace is a small grey she-cat with deep jade eyes. She has long fur and still wears a collar, which is missing her tag and her bell. She also has spots on her forehead and under her eyes.

Nickname: N/A

Name Meaning: N/A

Gender: Female

Species: Korat-Maine Coon

Age: 42 moons (2 ¼ years/ 29)

Class/Role: Loner

Personality: Very caring, easy to startle, but very clever
Quirks: Hoards feathers, obsessed with “Clinkers” (Coins)
Likes: The dark, clinkers, and helping other cats
Dislikes: Violence, confrontation, and hot days
Fears: Monsters and death

Common Settings: Modern day, warriors-esk, fantasy

Physical Info

Height: 1’ 11” long
Build: Slender
Identifying Traits: Blue collar without tag and bell, spots that form an “M” on her forehead


Mother- Deceased

Father- Deceased

Siblings- N/A

Offspring - N/A

Other- N/A

Mate- N/A


Peace was born in an animal shelter to her mother, who shortly after birthing, passed away. She was adopted when she was around 23 moons. She was left by that family when she was about 30 moons old. She began to fend for herself and learned the ways of the alley cat. She became the Queen of the Alleyway, due to her sweet demeanor.