Hedley Lafitte



9 months, 9 days ago


HEDLEY LAFITTE -- a french aristrocrat ghost with the power to make people relax and indulge themselves to the point of forgetting their responsibilities. 

- She can manifest a fainting couch and tea set whenever/wherever, and can turn modern items into rococo style.

- Puts everyone at ease and her main goal is just to have a wonderful time. She just often gets in the way and causes problems on accident.

- Vigorous activity WILL make her head fall off. 

- Has no clue about modern technology or amenities. Thinks Danny is some sort of paladin. Is easily distracted by glowing objects.

- Just wants to chat!!! She's very lonely and loves to make friends and hear stories. Unfortunately, her powers to disarm people work so well that she is often seen as an annoyance, and she is avoided by other ghosts due to this. 

- Does the "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!" girlypop squeal when she is having fun or sees something she likes a lot.

- In life she was the often neglected wife of a french aristocratic man that would often lock her in rooms alone, accompanied only by her comfy couch, tea sets, and other wealthy comforts. While not an uncomfortable lifestyle by any means, she simply wanted attention and affection, but was denied this. As such, she drowned her sorrows in a carefree, "let them eat cake" lifestyle, growing to resent her husband for neglecting her emotionally while having so many other mistresses and the like. By the time of the french revolution, she was glad to see her husband lose his head. Hedley was less than pleased that the common rabble didn't see her as an innocent victim, and now in the afterlife she simply sits in her parlor all day, reading romance novels and dreaming of meeting the love of her unlife.