


8 months, 22 days ago


Name: Ferris
Nicknames: Ferri, Mint
Age: 38 (In Appearance, Actual Age Unknown)
Species: Wood Elf
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5'8"
Class: Druid (Circle of the Moon)
Personality: Strong-willed, Loyal, Witty, Confident, Brave and Honest. Though, her honesty borders on being straight-up rude at times. She does not tolerate liars and isn't above putting someone in their place. She has a sharp-tongue at times and isn't afraid to use it if she feels necessary.
Background: After a rough time growing up, Ferris found comfort in the ways of Nature and saw the Spirits of Nature as her ally through all. She has joined and left many druids groups and groves, finding it hard to get along with most, as she thought them mostly soft. This has not lessened her relationship with the world and its grace though, if anything it has strengthened it further. For now she just travels the world, finding her way in life and assisting when she is needed. Despite all, she does not look down upon those she thinks weak, despite what she may say. If anything, she secretly wishes she could assist them more.