


7 months, 16 days ago


He/Him, Male, 5-Star Claymore, Fatui harbinger, adult


Fatui Backstory:

Ziya was a wanderer since he was born and always had the love of the outdoors and the freedom. His parents had moved away to mondstad and left him to his own devices which led him into some trouble. Him being the obnoxiously battle hungry man he is made it hard for him to stay in one nation without getting some type of name for himself. He didn’t have a job nor formal training in any type of weapons but he picked up a lot from dealing with monsters all over Teyvat. His vision came to him while dealing with some treasure hoarders he was trying to steal loot from, he wasn’t very interested at first since he had lost a day's work worth of mora and weapons but once he realized all the things he can do now with a pyro vision, he thanked the archons. 

The battle was calling for him and he didn’t want to waste any time so he joined the first group that would take him in.

Ziya worked as a low rank Agent amongst the Fatui happily and didn’t mind having his life of scavenging for food, weapons, clothes and everything else to survive. 

Eventually the Harbingers saw potential in him. Knowing that they could finally gain a seat after Signora’s death that would be beneficial in strength and leverage against him, they had convinced him to join their ranks. Ziya didn’t want to say yes at first, but his curiosity got the better of him and he was able to demonstrate more strength than those below him with ease. 

Ziya has a mixed set of emotions while knowing regarded as the number 8th harbinger. If it was up to him, he would go back to being nothing more than just an agent with the others he used to work with but since Dottore has caught wind of the situation with him and Camille, he likes to use it as a way to blackmail and manipulate him, (you know… Dottore tingz 😋). 

He knows that Ziya is strong enough to be of use and so is his relationship with Camille. Having to sometimes stop himself from getting involved when Camille goes to him for treatment. He gets very protective and even lost vision in one eye when he had tried to stop an experiment between the two. Dottore says it was a warning and Ziya bites his tongue each time his name is mentioned now and almost can’t contain his anger near him when he has to be.

He values his freedom and independence and doesn't like being tied down or having others dictate his actions which sometimes can cause a bit of a scuffle.



  • Ziya himself is a good fighter and good at using the world around him for resources.
  • He likes to hoard useless junk and say it’s worth something. Sometimes it isn’t he just can’t let “good” things go to waste. 
  • While he may be seen as a bit arrogant and cocky, he genuinely means well most of the time.  He enjoys pushing the limits of his abilities and isn't afraid to take risks to achieve his goals. He can be stubborn and hardheaded at times, but he's not without a sense of humor. He can be sarcastic at times, but his comments are usually rooted in honesty. 
  • He can be somewhat detached once he is in battle and will sometimes even dissociate completely when he is in a serious fight. 
  • He can pretty much find the positives in even the worst chests he can find, nothing in there? He will take the chest for storage.
  • After the run in with Dottore, he now has pretty bad depth perception given that his right eye is blind. His fighting ability is thanks to muscle memory but he can be a bit clumsy with everyday tasks if he doesn’t have full concentration 
  • Ziya is stuck in the scavenger mentality and seldom will get mora the right way.. he pick pockets or simply loots anyone he can. Especially if it’s for gifts for his boyfriend, Camille. Who, mind you, is rich himself… but that doesn’t stop Ziya trying to spoil him.
  • He used to be a bow user but his eye now prevents him from aiming so he had to switch to a claymore. 
  • Since joining the Fatui he cares a bit more about his appearance and clothing, given all of them have high end clothes and style he feels like he should wear the same.
  • He has a playful side and enjoys joking around with those he's close to, but also knows when to get serious. He tends to think before acting 



  • “ His constellation shows a phoenix,  The phoenix is an immortal bird that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. While it's part of Greek mythology, it has analogs in many cultures such as Egyptian and Persian. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by rising from the ashes of its predecessor. Some legends say it dies in a show of flames and combustion, others that it simply dies and decomposes before being born again. 
  • His constellation name is “Cinis ad flammas” which translates to Ashes to the flames.


Voice lines

  • “Out of the ash, into battle!” (Burst) 
  • “Rise from the ash!” (Ult) 
  • “You think I’m done?! How stupid!” (Low HP)
  • “Ugh.. I wasn’t ready for that!” (Low HP)
  • “Some people need to learn how to not take their lives for granted… you never know when you’ll have to start it all over again” (idle) 
  • “10 mora? Is that all you can do… it’s worth 20 at best.” (Idle) 
  • “if I see him… I’ll be ready” (Character swap) 
  • “Nice stuff you got there.. Shame I’ll have to take it from you” (opening chest) 
  • “All this.. Just… out in the open?” (Opening chest) 
  • “Come on. Don’t quit on me” (Ally low HP) 
  • “I feel.. like maybe I’m growing. I’m feeling a lot more power inside me and I hope I’ll be able to control it” (1st ascension) 
  • “What?!? Scammers!!” (opening chest)