


5 years, 10 months ago



Half demon, half angel. A girl with an angel mom (Hadriel) and a demon dad (Abaddon) | This is her human form.



Lilith was a perfectly normal baby born into this world on January 9th, 2003, being half Middle Eastern and half caucasian American. Although, not being completely normal as her mother was an extreme satanist who neglected to inform the father of the child and was named after her mother’s favorite demon. The father found out about the baby, and being a new found devout christian, he wanted to baptize his daughter accompanied by the angel who saved and converted him, named Hadriel. Lilith’s mother was close to a male demon named Abaddon, who both went to stop the father from baptizing her. Because of this, a fight breaks out between the two parents. During the fight, they fail to realize their neglect of accidentally leaving Lilith in the big baptism bowl filled with holy water, which inevitably causes her to drown. After the fight, they realize what has happened to their daughter. Shocked, her mother runs out, and her father follows along as well, ultimately believing that leaving his daughter there for the priests to find would get her to heaven. Shortly after, Abaddon and Hadriel find Lilith. Hadriel feels the baby was robbed at a chance of life and tries to turn it into an angel to revive her, but believes she failed in doing so. With some convincing, Abaddon agrees to try to see if turning Lilith into a demon will help. And so, the two combine their power to revive the child and were successful in doing so. Upon her revival, she was gifted with both angelic and demonic abilities. With Lilith’s revival, Abaddon knew the dispute that would happen between the parents if they found out about this, so they hid it from them until they could work out a deal. By the time the parents had figured this out, they had died. The father-- overcome with guilt-- had killed himself, and her mother overworked herself while trying to find ways to bring back her baby.



And so, with Lilith’s new found life as half demon and half angel, Abaddon and Hadriel decided to adopt her and take her in as their own daughter. Though they weren’t dating officially, they still loved the child as their own. They did want to get married when Lilith was young, but they were both too busy to spend time together. And so, up until when Lilith turned 4 years old, they decided they would need a permanent babysitter because they were too busy with their normal duties as an angel and demon. Hadriel was busy being a mentor to a young angel, while Abaddon is busy helping out Lucifer and doing deeds for him and what-not. Abaddon decided that he would ask his sister, Jezebel, if she could be her permanent babysitter, to which she agreed. Growing up, the two parents tried to visit her and spend as much time with Lilith as their work allowed. They tried to spend her birthday and certain holidays with her for sure, but they overall did the best they could to spend time with their child against the schedules, even though if it was minimal. Though Lilith loves her parents and knows their work is important, she grew to have a resentment for the work because of the time they took away from them being with her. Even now, she gets mad a lot because of the amount of work they do and they miss things she wants them for. But through all of her feelings, she still loves them deep down.



Growing up, she started out school by being home schooled by Jezebel. Alongside basic education, she also taught her all the demon stuff and tried with angel stuff, wasn’t very knowledgeable in that area. A lot of her learning was experimenting, but self learning as well. When she was 7, she started to go to human school as a 2nd grader. It was really heavily emphasized that she couldn’t use her powers out in public. If anyone did find out, she would get in big trouble, especially with her parents. On the rare occasion she did use her powers, she would use them for lighthearted reasons, such as a prank against people and friends and what not. Once she was 14 and entering highschool as a freshman, that’s when Sier and Dara came into the scene to takeover watching over her. Abaddon hired Sier, and Hadriel suggested Dara for the angel to watch over her as well, which he approved of. He thought that this would be good and beneficial to her since he thought it was fair to have both an angel (Dara) and a demon (Sier) to watch over her, and that she wouldn't be swayed to pick side over the other. And so, the two changed their age to match hers to fit in and be closer to her. It took awhile for her to get used to them because she’s very introverted and didn’t feel comfortable living with new people. At first, she really didn’t want to get to know them at first but eventually she got used to them and started liking them and their presence. And so, they stuck together as best buds throughout high school, and when junior year started, Percy was added to the group (read his bio on how they all met). 



Lilith doesn’t do much. She loves horror movies and reading (Stephen King is her favorite). English is her favorite subject. She doesn’t really participate a lot in school events or extracurriculars. If she does do anything, it’s because Dara talked her into it; such as choir, plays, and musicals.


Name: Lilith Damon 


*(doesn't have a real last name, just uses it for school and stuff for an identity)


Age - 18

 Gender - Female


Height (human) - 5'8


Pronouns - She/They


Sexual Orientation - Pansexual


Hair color - (In picture) Black hair with red highlights at the bottom (and the one red piece of hair in front of face)


Hairstyle - Straight. A bit wavy. Hair held up by a black scrunchie in a high ponytail.


Eye color - Originally red (like her highlights) but wears ocean blue eye contacts to fit in/not resemble a demon


Skin color -  Warm Caramel


Favorite Color - Black


Birthday - January 9th, 2001


Personality - Very standoffish and sarcastic, though very introverted as well. She acts like she doesn’t care about a lot or that she’s not enjoying herself, but she does care sometimes. Can be very protective too. 



Top - Black tank top

Pants - Black + White striped paper bag pants

Shoes - Deep Cherry Red Doc Martens

Accessories - Wears a choker with a pentagram charm in the middle, then wears two chain link necklaces (one light silver and one regular silver), then wears a white cross necklace

Makeup - Her regular full face of makeup look includes a smokey red eyeshadow look, a bold cat eye eyeliner, lots of mascara, coral blush, and deep red lipstick.