Morwenna Firtha



8 months, 22 days ago


Selkie pirate queen. Becomes a leopard seal and devours pirates and sailors alike. The only way to defeat her is to steal her seal pelt from her and then bargain a safe passage in exchange for giving it back.

Her mood influences the sea around her and her crewmates' minds and physical forms.

She and her crewmates protects the Delta, the entrance from the mortal realm to The Land of Youth, from humans trying to trespass.

Morwenna is actually not a proper selkie, but something... Else.

Morwenna means "maiden, lady", while Firtha is "arm of the sea". They're both Celtic in origin.

Her crew is composed by various salty water faes, like selkies and nixies. Some of its most notable members are:

Kaimana, adoptive human daughter of the captain.

Colombre, a male nixie that has retired from a life of solitude to join the crew. He's the most likely to give you a gift because he likes a details about you.

Moebius, an old, powerful fae that loves to duel with passionate adversaries one on one. Her feuds are legendaries. She can take the form of a huge whale.