538. Kingsley - Trade Only



6 years, 3 months ago


Main Role/Occupation: Huntsman
Side Role/Occupation: Finding injured critters to be helped, looking for fine pelts for his family, extra set of hands and eyes for Kirin when taming critters.

Secret Role/Occupation: Stealing from the wealthy to give to the lower families/smaller tribes, occasionally hunts for them if possible. Does this under an other alias, and in disguise. 

Kingsley is an extremely ambitious male, with a very chivalrous honor. He has a big moral code, and that’s to do what’s right. But of course, coming from a family of thieves, some traits are sure to be passed down. One being his side job, stealing from thieves to return to those stolen from, or even giving it to less fortunate families. If possible, he’ll try and keep his alias off the charts, and away from his mate for any possible future danger. However, he may learn to trust others more often.  Despite his very proper and majestic in a way he holds himself, but he can show to be quite playful. A lot less than his father, that’s for sure, but he does have an odd sense of humor. This mostly being very quick witted with his friends and those he meet. This especially shows once in disguise. After all, he has an image to upkeep.