Fizzle's Comments

Hello! I saw that this little thang was UFO... What're you looking for for her? :]

Howdy! Anything really ! :-3 I'm not super attached to her so I'm not too picky

Oh awesome!! I'd love to offer up some art :] I could do a fullbody and an icon, or if you've got anything else in mind you can let me know! Here's my portfolio

Ohh your art is so lovely !! I'd love to accept this 💖
Could you draw Safety Pin and Rainbeau ? :-)c Whoever's the icon or the fullbody is up to you ! Let me know if you'd like someone else to draw if these guys aren't super enticing haha

OOO, I'd love to draw these guys! Rainbeau looks especially fun to draw :o] I'll get started ASAP!!