


8 months, 30 days ago

Basic Info


Bearing antlers in lieu of a crown, Fel was the king of his people, who bore a resemblance to him -- satyr-like beings capable of shapeshifting into animals. All but Fel have been consumed by the withering curse, their bodies lost and their souls corrupted. Although he has not succumbed to it completely thanks to an infernal deal, his body still bears the signs of affliction: withered flesh, elysium flowers, and a shadow-black eye.


Guardian and former king of the forest that separates the realms. The forest, now wrought by the withering curse, is a barren, frozen land inhabited by shadowraiths -- souls of once-living creatures now twisted beyond recognition. In order to prevent the curse from overtaking him completely, Fel struck a deal with a demon, trading his heart so that his soul could become immortal, thus protecting him from being further afflicted by the withering. In the beginning he spent his days searching for a way to break the curse, hoping to restore the forest and allow safe passage between the realms. But the absence of a heart left an emptiness in him, one that only continued to grow as time wore on. He has since returned to the forest, the cold, hollow feeling within having sapped his willpower. He now seeks to summon the demon he bargained with, drawing runic circles in the snow over and over, hoping that he can lift the withering curse if he offers his soul in exchange -- ending his own suffering while simultaneously fulfilling his quest for a cure. But the runes do not shimmer with the call of magic, and the demon does not answer.