


8 months, 20 days ago



Dragon (Aberration)
Design Note
Tongue is the same blue as her horns
 Young and Menace 
 Fall Out Boy 

  • Exploring areas too dangerous for others to venture
  • Eating nasty things
  • Scavenging and crafting
  • Gifting trinkets to hatchlings and young dragons
  • Sanitary codes- she's a walking health violation
  • Cooked meat, she thinks it's better raw
  • Being on time (she's nearly incapable of showing up anywhere on time no matter how hard she tries)
  • Intolerance for others







The Scarred Wasteland is a difficult place to thrive if one doesn't know how to adapt to the environment. A community of nomadic Abberations who called themselves the House of the Virus taught the ways of the land to their young as well as how to survive and adapt in the harsh climate. The group communally raised their hatchlings and regularly nested and laid their clutches of eggs near the Wyrmwound. As part of the traditions and practices they kept hidden from outsiders, the first to hatch was exposed to a small amount of the lake. The ceremony is performed by the firstborns of every generation in their group. The fellow firstborns honor the hatching that is now entering their ranks through the tradition. Exposure to the strange cauldron of disease had obvious effects on each it touched. For most it presented in physical change, but for other rarer cases there were those who came to possess strange gifts.

As the first to hatch and the oldest of her clutch, Xeno went through the ceremony and emerged changed. The areas around the edges of her wings had dark edges with patterns of clustered spots that appeared to be scarred over. As she matured it became apparent that her exposure to the mysterious lake gave her a gift as well. She is seemingly immune to almost every form of disease brought on by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and even fungal infection. Xeno also possesses an immunity to radiation and its effects. With time and practice she was able to detect radioactive substances through their effects alone, essentially becoming a living Geiger counter. Rather than turning her away for her strange and possibly even deadly abilities, they celebrated and declared that she was blessed by the Plaguebringer herself. The House of the Virus proudly accepted and supported their own, the family they created and the bonds formed ensured that none would be turned away.

As a young hatchling Xeno enjoyed playing with her siblings and sparring with the warriors of the group. Growing up as one of the House of the Virus, the responsibility of being the oldest meant Xeno was in charge of her siblings. Her younger sister Minny was second in charge and given the role to aid her older sister as needed. The siblings were a chaotic pair who seemed to never be seen without the other. Over the years they began to push one another and made almost everything a competition- always in good fun of course. From doing chores to training, the two managed to make it a contest.

While Xeno was still learning her abilities as a young dragon, she didn’t understand that she also had the ability to absorb and secrete the radiation she was immune to. Over time Minny became sick, but refused to leave her older sister’s side. Unfortunately her condition worsened and the House of the Virus had no choice but to turn to the Plaguebringer herself for guidance. The two young sisters were brought before her and the wise deity could see the problem instantly. The gifts of the Wyrmwound were some of the Plaguebringer’s creations that she kept a watchful gaze over for this very reason. An offer was made that Minny’s life could be saved by the Plaguebringer, but she would be changed like her sister and in exchange for saving her life Minny must leave her home forever and serve by the Plaguebringer’s side. The House of the Virus agreed on the terms that Xeno was mentored under the Plaguebringer’s tutelage in ensuring there was never a repeat of an incident like this one, to which the deity also agreed on the terms of Xeno’s apprenticeship lasting for at least 5 years. Now an adult and ready to strike back out on her own, Xeno enjoys traveling and exploring areas where others are unable to.

She's a confident and rebellious nomadic scavenger who roams the vast territories of Sornieth, searching for...something. Whether she knows what that something is has yet to be discovered. Due to her immunity to almost every form of disease brought on by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and even fungal infection, she eats absolutely anything and everything. As a scavenger with these abilities she has no qualms with devouring the most rotten, nastiest food she can get her claws on.

Saccharine Fellow chaos enjoyer

A seemingly unaging dragon who brings chaos and excitement wherever he goes. Saccharine has an unending stash of magic candy that no one is quite sure where he keeps or how he keeps making more so quickly.

Name Relationship

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