Baozi (Xue Baoyin (薛宝吟))



Full Name: Xue Baoyin (薛宝吟)
Nickname: Baozi (包子)

A little guy interning at a hospital and doing his best to help all his patients—and resist drinking their blood.

Hardworking, friendly, bubbly, and long as you're not catching him on one of his hungry days!

I'm thinking Huajuan meets him one day when a breakdown over the memories of his brother goes bad and he hurts himself with his knife, which leads to a visit to the hospital where Xue Baoyin works. Xue Baoyin ends up as his friend (and Huajuan gives him the nickname of "Baozi-gege" after he shares blood bao with him, and because it sounds similar to his name), making him potentially a new gege figure who can also teach Huajuan more about jiangshi—and maybe even help unravel some of his past memories!?

Theme Song: Grow Up (成为你想成为的大人)—Lars Huang