Steam Punk (Human/Shadara AU)



5 years, 5 months ago


Name Ivan Ray Melton
Age Adult
Height Shorter Than Average
Build Slightly Lean
Species Human
Gender Male
Orient. Straight
Taken? Yes
Creator AwesomeWaffle
Worth Your face and a finger

His somewhat muscular and shorter than average body is a lighter caramel color skin tone while his black hair is medium length, wavy with a curl at the ends. His eyes often change from emerald to a hint of seafoam green depending on his mood. His usually has a pin that has a golden shape that make up a mechanical wing that is in front of a darker brown cogwheel. When he is working, he wears a brown shaded suit with some yellow/gold designs in it and with a blue tie.

  • When flying with his mechanical wings, he usually wears round, brown goggles with golden frames.
  • His favorite sets of flying wings are gold colored "bones" and a silver colored membrane (the stretchy part).
  • His second favorite wings are smaller golden parts with small designs on each piece (only for decoration).
  • The preferred color straps he uses to tie the wings on him are dark blue to black.
  • His ability is to enchant almost anything that he makes and creates. 

Ivan was born in _____ into a rich family with his parents, who were popular scientist and musician. Wanting to become an inventor, he grew up being mocked at in his school because of the lack of power he had unlike all the other kids. Ivan grew up mostly with no friends besides one or two, and those who he was friends for a while usually left him or moved over time. One day he found a Yellow-crested cockatoo on the ground of a park, sick and with a broken wing. He picked it up carefully and took it home. After a few weeks of nursing it back to health, they grew a bond and quickly became friends. Ivan named the the cockatoo Cookie after he took one of his cookies that his mom made him. 

As time went on, Ivan and Cookie worked on projects together; Ivan doing the building, fixing, and enchanting things, and Cookie bringing him tools and being the support he needed. After hearing about some people being left disabled, he remembered about how Cookie couldn't fly at the time and he wanted to do something about it. Ivan's fascination with bird wings and variety of anatomies led him to studying and growing as a inventor and eventually a good leader. He started many types of prototypes and even made some cash out of it. After many try and fail attempts, he finally made the first pair of wings that actually worked and took him off the ground steadily. He knew his calling.

When Ivan was old enough to move out as a young adult, he traveled around Shadara while exploring and meeting new people of all shapes and sizes and personalities. He would visit hospitals and share his inventions of a couple new prosthetic parts or other helpful stuff he made. Ivan was so happy he could make each person happy with his inventions. But he didn't stop there, he also learned about fixing more broken things and had the title of both "inventor" and "handyman." He traveled all around from place to place earning more money from small to big jobs. His name spread around which helped, but soon settled at the Shadara capital for a while. That is when he met his star-loving wife, Moon. He learned more about the politic side of things and stepped up to become mayor when he wanted change in the city since there was a lot wrong with it, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.... [To be continued]


  • His voice sounds masculine, but still soft and kind.
  • The thing that "trigger" him the most is when the dishes in the dishwasher aren't organized right.
  • Once he won a mini spelling bee contest when he was still a foul.
  • He cant really fight unless he uses a weapon that he made and enchanted.
  • Info.

  • The smell of autumn air.
  • Solving puzzles and sometimes riddles.
  • He enjoys visiting the library to read and get new ideas for future inventions, along with information on how to fix new items.
  • As a workaholic, he enjoys spending free time building new wings or items.
  • His one and only love, Moon. <3 

  • Spinach. Hates the taste and texture of it. 
  • Bullies are the worst. He does not like to see another person get hurt emotionally of physically by anybody else!
  • He doesn't like secrets, especially when it includes him.
  • When his friends or family is sad or in distress. Anyone really.
  • The sound that chalk boards make when you scratch them.