Park Hyeon (Hye)



6 years, 14 hours ago


  • Cis-Male
  • what is sexuality when youre in isos
  • 6'3"
  • a pwince 
  • Twin of Ryo(Lilbih)

Hye was once a quiet boy only enjoying his siblings company after having only people that wanted to be around him for his status or his looks. Eventually he follows his family tradition in wearing a mask to hide your face. Because people invade his personal space often he was many places that he likes to hide. One day he notices his favorite place occupied by a couple of kids around his age. He watches them curious only to end up falling and soon becoming friends with these two children named Titus and Celeste(LilBih).Like his mother ,Ky, he eventually goes out with his friends on an adventure meeting a young phoenix by the name if Icarus (Lilbih).

As he gets older he learns to become more confident and comfortable with himself soon revealing his face to those three. A Physic it was easy to understand their true feelings for him and that he is grateful for. 

Slightly cunning and one usually fall into his brothers antics hes one to quickly find a way put of the predicament theyre in. Him being so intuned with his powers hes was always able to evolve it in some way. Kind and witty hes not one you sould mess with if you intend to hurt.

When hes older he and Celeste get married and have three kids. 

  • an extreme lover of water hes always down to swim quickly taking whatever hes wearing off to have a good swim