J.P. Bowser



8 months, 11 days ago


Name: J.P. Bowser 

Species: Anthro Bulldog 

Age: 65 

Gender: Male 

J.P. Bowser is the director of the CIA during project Marbles. A career politician and plutocrat, Bowser is an expert at playing the chess game that is high level politics. The unquestioned top dog until the failure of Marbles leads to his ousting. Rumored to be involved with the shadow organization known as [redacted]  

He graduated Harvard Law school and after several stints in the military transferred over to the CIA. He worked his way up the corporate ladder through largely administrative roles. While he's never served as a field agent, he's done commendable work as a supervisor and most field agents respect him.  He's also widely feared by those who work for him (though that's to be expected for the boss of the CIA)  While he's close friends and confidant with President Macguire, he secretly resents him and wants his position for himself. 

He enjoys fine wine and considers himself a connoisseur. He has a large wine cellar in his basement filled with various collector and vintage bottles, some ranging over 5 figures. While normally secretive and untalkative, he's very happy to talk about fine wines with others. 


- Stern

- organized

- practical 

- secretive