


1 year, 9 days ago


Salem | she/they | Human | 13 | 

  • Salem (13) is an undercover spy in G.O.N.E, a gravekeeper that works as a double agent to eradicate other gravekeepers (she’s actually brainwashed)
  • Salem is blind but not completely, her gravekeeper powers allow her to see spirits but to see everything else she uses the bells on the ends of her braids and spear, this uses echolocation like a bat as the soundwaves of the bells jingling send back and show her what's around her
  • She is quiet and stern, only talking when needed to and doesn’t like Damon at all but starts to grow to liking him after him treating her better than the other members in the organization
  • Damon is actually the one who put the bells on her braids as a warning for him because she tends to sneak up behind him and scare him on accident
  • Fun fact: she doesn’t wear shoes 

Common attributes/symbols: Bells,  blue, silver, grey, blades, quiet, 

Common activities/hobbies: listening to classical music, walking in parks, training, 

You can draw them with:

  • Damon - arguing with him, ignoring the orders he gives her, 
  • Cake - trying to stab her with her weapon, trying to capture Cake, 

Additional stuff to keep in mind: she is brainwashed so she typically lacks emotions/ in a dull state