⭐️ Amarantha Castellanos



1 year, 3 days ago


Amarantha Castellanos


poke-ball.png Basic Information poke-ball.png

  • Name: Amarantha Castellanos
  • Nicknames: Mara (friends)
  • Gender: Female (she/her)
  • Sexuality: sexuality
  • Birthday: monthday, 1999 (zodiac)
  • Hometown: Sootopolis City, Hoenn
  • Current Residence: place
  • Occupation: Sootopolis City Gym Leader
    • Wallace talked her into taking over the gym. Even though she didn't particularly want to do it, he won her over with his desire to keep the gym within the family (which includes Juan, as a family friend). As time goes on and she gains more experience, she starts to enjoy the work. Her Pokémon were well-trained due to her work with the ballet so the transition wasn't as difficult as she expected.
    • Before she was the gym leader, she was a water ballet performer with the Sootopolis Ballet. Her new job keeps her too busy to do it but she's still on good terms with them and helps out when she's able.
  • Trainer Class: Gym Leader

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  • Hair: here
  • Eyes: here
  • Skin: here
  • Height: here
  • Body Type: here
  • Style: here

poke-ball.png Personality poke-ball.png

  • Traits
    • trait
    • trait
  • Hobbies
    • hobby
    • hobby
  • Likes
    • like
    • like
  • Dislikes
    • dislike
    • dislike

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Under a spoiler tag for length.
Immediate Family: Wallace's Family: Winona's Family:
  • Aunt: Courtney Torres (née Cross)
  • Aunt: Shelly Torres
  • Cousin: Indigo Torres
  • Aunt: Anabel Cross
  • Adoptive Cousin: Emma Cross


Under a spoiler tag for length.


Under a spoiler tag for length.

poke-ball.png Pokémon poke-ball.png

Main Team

milotic-f.png lumineon.png lapras.png kingdra.png swanna.png primarina.png

  • ♀ Feebas → Milotic — "Nickname"
  • ♂ Finneon → Lumineon — "Nickname"
  • Lapras — "Nickname"
  • ♀ Seadra → Kingdra — "Nickname"
  • ♂ Ducklett → Swanna — "Nickname"
  • ♀ Popplio → Brionne → Primarina — "Nickname"

Other Pokémon

swampert-mega.png corsola.png luvdisc.png wailmer.png masquerain.png

  • ♂ Mudkip → Marshtomp → Swampert (Mega) — "Nickname"
  • Johtoan Corsola — "Nickname"
  • ♂♀ Luvdisc (x2) — "Nickname"
  • Wailmer — "Nickname"
  • ♂ Surskit → Masquerain — "Nickname"

poke-ball.png Story & Timeline poke-ball.png

  • event
  • event
  • event

poke-ball.png Trivia poke-ball.png

  • She and her sister, Beryl, both like to style their hair with braids. It was unintentional but it's fun that they match.
  • trivia
  • trivia